WebRepo 2.0 - Easy access to projects from the Codea community

@steppers that worked

My WebRepo is not asking me to update it, and Iā€™m running the latest beta build on my iPhone, but I donā€™t have a ā€œClear Cache & Restartā€ option on the settings page.

You should be able to update it manually like any other WebRepo supplied ā€˜appā€™ (just needs a project re-open afterwards).

If 2.1.1 isnā€™t available it may be a connection issue with Github.

@UberGoober MKInput should work now with an external Keyboard or Mouse on iPhone without crashing.

With Codea 322, on iPad, cursor hiding has also been added with the function hidecursor(boolShouldHide).

The last two times I tried to submit things I really missed tools like cut and paste and being able to double-tap to select words.

Any chance that the new objc bindings could enable WebRepo to use native iOS text-entry fields?

Hi All,

In the latest update (2.3.1) WebRepo has moved away from GitHub for the moment and performance seems to have improved in the process.

With this change weā€™ve also now become unshackled from GitHubā€™s 100MB commit limit and are now limited to 20GB (compressed) instead!
Please go easy on it though as the server only has 200GB of storage at the moment :lol:

Iā€™ll be releasing the source + Dockerfile in use by the backend at some point in the interest of project longevity & sharing with the community.


@Steppers Maybe we can look into hosting it on our server and making it more of an official thing

@steppers - in the process of tidying up my messy Codea root and noticed quite a few entries that I canā€™t remember installing. Just a thought, does WebRepo set up any directories or add any files to the root? I donā€™t want to delete anything that is needed by WebRepo.

@John That could be a great idea in the long run, though Iā€™m no web developer so the backend nodejs code is a little rough at this stage. Iā€™m likely to overhaul the backend a fair bit so if the offerā€™s still on the table at that point Iā€™d be happy for you to take over the hosting.

Iā€™ll also add that I donā€™t pay anything for the current server (https://www.oracle.com/uk/cloud/free/) and their ā€˜free-tierā€™ is open to everyone from what I can tell.

@Bri_G Only the webrepocache_vfs folder to my knowledge. Everything it downloads is cached in there and it gets recreated if you delete it by accident so nothing to worry about.

@Steppers - thanks for the feedback, I was pretty sure it was my own filing bad habits. Now halfway through the tidying !!!

Hi all,

Just a quick update. You can now access the latest version of the WebRepo project from https://codeawebrepo.co.uk/webrepo_latest.zip. (This file will be updated automatically with each update of WebRepo so no worrying about versions when installing manually)

As an added bonus with the new backend all the projects can be accessed from your web browser at https://codeawebrepo.co.uk/

As ever, feel free to submit your projects!


Current version crashes on my iPhone 8.

@UberGoober Was that following an upgrade or a fresh install from https://codeawebrepo.co.uk/webrepo_latest.zip ?

@UberGoober Figured out your issue!
Make sure you only have 1 copy of WebRepo called ā€˜WebRepoā€™ :smile:

Edit: 2.3.13 Adds a check at startup to let users know about this.

I downloaded a project from web repo, I made some modifications, and attempted to upload the modified project. That failed, and I wondered if it was because it was a modification of a downloaded project. So I duplicated the project, and then tried to upload that duplicate to web repo, and got this error (see screenshot).

@UberGoober Which project is this?

CraftSpaceX. The project I attempted to upload was called JoystickSpaceX.

@UberGoober Thanks!
Have you added any new tabs to the project? If so what are they named exactly? Just trying to repro it to figure out whatā€™s going on.

Adding ā€˜print(file.path)ā€™ at ProjectSplit:36 and letting me know the last value printed could really help too!

I donā€™t have anything called ProjectSplit: 36.

Itā€™s a project that only has a main page and a dependency on the joystick walker.

I still canā€™t upload my mod of the project. Should I just create a new project from scratch and copy-paste the tab? Or would you rather debug this? Maybe we can do both. :slight_smile: