WebRepo 2.0 - Easy access to projects from the Codea community (not iCloud compatible)

@steppers somehow i’ve lost the connection of my 2D lights project to the update method, now when i go to update it the form acts as if it’s a new project and all the previous info is gone

@skar Oh, that’s odd and I’m seeing the same thing. I’ll take a look.

@skar It should be sorted in WebRepo 2.0.3 once the GitHub action gets its act together and approves the update… Just keep an eye open for the update popup.

There was just a small issue in the restore logic when a project has spaces in it (they’re replaced with underscores on the backend).

@Steppers - not used this in a while - went through association with Github, but now stuck with the “A WebRepo update is available” popup on the screen, but I can’t select either Yes or No

@West Was this after launching the old version? If so it’s probably a good idea to delete the WebRepo project and redownload 2.0 from Github.

@Steppers - yes that fixed it - thanks

Version 2.1 adds support for project subdirectories.

Now possible due to the recent ObjC bindings allowing us to create folders directly :smile:

Creating a folder (if it doesn’t already exist):

local path =  asset.documents.path .. “/my_new_folder”

local fm = objc.cls.NSFileManager:defaultManager()
if not fm:fileExistsAtPath_isDirectory_(path, true) then
    fm:createDirectoryAtPath_withIntermediateDirectories_attributes_error_(path, true, nil, nil)

It’s a great app for sharing and learning?

I don’t understand the usefulness of creating subdirectories.

@UberGoober Mainly to ease asset organisation.

Coder’s asset browser has recently been updated to support creating sub-folders so this is more an update of necessity really. This way if a project is submitted that makes use of it, WebRepo doesn’t just crash when installing the project.

AirCode 2.0 is an example I used for testing. There are a lot of JavaScript files used by the web editor so it helps to use the libraries as-is without having to modify them.

@Steppers finally got around to trying out WebRepro. It’s really a fantastic tool-well done!

By the way, i tried to download ‘Wrigglers’, but it does not seem to load properly? All the others i tried seem to work.

@piinthesky Was an issue with the project’s Info.plist file. Should be fixed now but you’ll need to jump through a few hoops to fix it on your end.

Make sure the Wrigglers project is deleted first.

You’ll need to update WebRepo, open the ‘Settings’ page in WebRepo and click the ‘Clear Cache & Restart’ button before redownloading the Wrigglers project.

Error trying to install AirCode

@UberGoober You using the 3.5 beta with WebRepo up to date?

You need WebRepo 2.1.x

Version 321 and yes up to date.

Try closing WebRepo and reopening it

Sometimes after update Codea doesn’t quite reload it correctly

@Steppers i updated the webRepro version, but don’t find ‘clear cache and restart’ in the settings?

Also MK input won’t run on my iPhone because I get an “attempt to index a nil value“ warning at this line:

local mouseInput = objc.cls.GCMouse:current().mouseInput

@piinthesky This? Again, try reopening the WebRepo project (not re-run)

@UberGoober Ah, my bad. I’ll look at that later