When using air code, sometimes the Codea may delete some tab automatically.

When using air code, sometimes the Codea may delete some tab.

On my env, it has occur twice, Please see the screenshot:

On the safari, it is the whole origin project includes all tabs:

On the iPad, lost 3 tabs:

When I press ??R to run, suddenly 3 tabs(Demo, ParallaxMap and NormalMap) were deleted automatically on the iPad.

I have the same error, but not when I clicked ^R, This happened some why else

@TokOut I found that when the project includes many tabs, and every tab has a long content, Codea sometimes would delete the tabs near the right.

I guess inside the Codea, one project is one file buffer, although it has multi tabs, if the content become long, the latest area maybe lost.

But for me reloading Codea had fixed everything, and all was back.

@TokOut How to reloading? The operation should be done on iPad or safari?

On iPad you should close and reload Codea, before the lagging ends, and Codea safes the files without the tabs. When the Tabs are saved … It’s over then!

@TokOut I close and restart Codea on iPad, but nothing happened.

@TokOut I close and restart Codea on iPad, but nothing happened.

Because Codea has already saved the file.