The Codea Holiday Cook Off

So, I was wondering, anyone already made groups? just curious to how the fellow competetors are going to handle this :wink:

@stevon8ter Im teamed up with me myself and I. I am the lone wolf ,the silent stalker, the bolt from the blue…

24 hours until the topic is announced. In the meantime, pick a number, any number (okay, do make it a whole number small enough to be expressed without scientific notation. Say… between 1 and 1000.)



24, as in tomorrow

Some rule changes and scoring information now in the top message.



six for me :slight_smile:



3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 (that’s all I have memorized). JK.
I’ll pick 314.



42, “Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”


(And a bonus to anyone who can work out what’s special about that number.)

666 :o testing how much luck I got xD

And hey I think I’ll manage to get at least 10% right xD
Can’t wait for the theme to be announced, please make it space, then i just need to press that one release button…

JK lads, haven’t made anything yet, excelt for that binairo thing and a few usefull (or not so usefull) classes

@Andrew_Stacey Some famous math person completes his manual, correct?

@Andrew_Stacey do you live in Michigan? xd