Search / Replace All

The function « seach/replace all » not save code after reboot

@Diablo76 can I get some more detail on what happened?

You used replace all, and then closed Codea and the code wasn’t saved?

Hi @Simeon

My english is bad… Sorry
After a reboot of the ipad the code wan’t saved with modifications

Does it happen if you do it again? Search and replace, close Codea and terminate the app, then re-open Codea?

Hi @Simeon
Here is an video with 2 tabs (Test,Test1)

@Simeon There’s another problem with search and multiple tabs. If you do a find on something in the Main tab and tap on the word that’s found, it gets highlighted in the Main code. If you then switch to another tab, that highlighted word still shows up in the next tab even though it’s not really there. If the second tab isn’t very long, the highlighted word just show with nothing around it.

@dave1707, @Diablo76 - can confirm both observations. Am using 120, anyone tried other versions to check history?

@Bri_G I’m running ver 118 on my iPad Air. That’s where I saw it the first time.

@dave1707 - oh I wish I had another iPad (relatively new one for speed and hardware compatibility) so I could play on a stable Codea and beta test on another.

Is there any way you can run two versions of Codea on one iPad?

Or, can you beta test on a Mac?

@Bri_G If you go to TestFlight and select Previous Builds, you can download different versions of Codea. You just have to wait for the downloads unless you have super fast internet. There’s probably no way to have 2 different versions at once unless there was 2 apps, Codea and a CodeaTest.

@dave1707 - thanks, The reason I was interested in the tester installation is that I have installed previous versions and, in my case, it’s time consuming and a little inconvenient. Don’t have fibre broadband so relatively slow.

Means, if I am playing with a project on Codea, I have to wait while testing and flipping between versions delays things. I do like to test my projects in the latest version, but if there are issues I usually shelve my projects. Hence my Codea project page is full of unfinished projects.

@Diablo76 thanks for the video! I think I tracked this down and will fix

@Diablo76 your bug should be fixed next version (2.6.2)

@dave1707 still trying to fix that floating highlight bug though

Tanks @Simeon

@Simeon a little ‘feature’…two hyphen in the codea text search get merged into an extra long hyphen. As a consequence one cannot uncomment a commented line using search/replace.

@piinthesky hah good catch, I need to disable the iOS autocorrect on the find replace box