LoveCodify - Wrapper Library to run Codify scripts on MacOSX, Linux, Windows

On Linux then the filenames are case sensitive. The default Codea name is Main.lua but this system seems to look for main.lua. At least, when I renamed my file main.lua from Main.lua then I got something reasonable.

Here are infos about love-android:

You need the LoveCodify wrapper to run your Codify/Codea scripts on Android!

Great work with the Love2D wrapper SiENcE, thanks!

Question though about the oop class implementation, seems to differ from the Codify-version. Have you experienced any difficulties with this, or have I made some mistake?

For reference, here is the class() function definition that Codea uses:

I’m also having trouble getting Love and loveCodify to run on my Mac. I can get Love’s own demos to run and a ‘Hello World’ file… but I get the same message as @Magaro above whenever I try to use any of @SiENcE’s loveCodified examples,

“cannot open loveCodify.lua: No such file or directory”

Anyone have any suggestions about what I might try?

Same problem as @Blanchot. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I tried the Love “hello world” app and that worked fine, so Love isn’t the issue, I think.

Hi there,

i don’t have a mac so i can’t check this. I think you only have to reference the right path in the samples “Main.lua” files.

This part:

if dofile ~= nil then
dofile ("loveCodify.lua")
dofile ("Breakout/Game object classes.lua")
dofile ("Breakout/Levels.lua")
dofile ("Breakout/Numbers.lua")

Looking through the Love forums, it seem that dofile may not be fully supported on the mac. So, I tried replacing dofile with require and then it seems to work so long as loveCodify is in the same folder as the main. Hopefully there is a cleaner solution, but that works for now. Thanks!

Ah yes that works now for me as well (replacing dofile with require) – as long as loveCodify.lua AND vector.lua are in the same folder as main.

Thanks @jdanish! Thanks too @SiENcE for making this possible at all.

@Simeon Thanks for the class implementation. There’s a small difference in class c-tor, but nothing that seems to cause the different behavior that I experience. I’ll investigate some more on my side.

Sorry guys about the misguided rambling about differences in class implementation. It’s a bit hard to explain why, but the different experience I saw was due to that touch.state BEGAN never occurred in LoveCodify. The BEGAN state switches directly to MOVING in the function love.update(dt).

@cdent yes it’s an open issue.

I’ve unstickied this thread and instead featured LoveCodify in the FAQ with a link to this thread. As it’s getting a bit busy at the top of the thread list lately.

interesting, but on mac I get the error:

cannot open loveCodify.lua: No such file or directory

no matter what directory I keep this file in.

Small things onoy me, but can you rename it LoveCodea? Thanks!

Can you also make it so we can put our code in Xcode? I’m not a coding genius.

What’s with love 2d code? It’s kinda…strange. Isnt there some execute program that can read exactly (more or less)what we code on iPads? Instead of having to type “love.xxxx.xxxx”?

@Zoyt: All scripts have to be in a subdirectory of Love2D. Thats a sandboxing limit of Love2D. You can also zip all files and call love2d

read here

the lovecodify wrapper is but out of date.

Alright. Thanks.

@SiENcE or anybody else - As always, I’m having trouble. I keep getting the same error as many others: “cannot open loveCodify.lua: No such file or directory”. I’m using Mac OS X Lion. I did read the beginning WIki. If somebody could send me a test .love file, that would be absolutely fabulous. I learn from example. Please just send me a file that contains a random print statements, one parameter, and draws a sprite at the your touch. Thanks!
P.S. What do you mean by “Make sure the main.lua file is on top”? Thanks!