LoveCodify - Wrapper Library to run Codify scripts on MacOSX, Linux, Windows

Hi All,
Managed to get the loveCodify routine up and running and using it on a PC with WIN 7 at the moment.
Ran into a possible difference, when using the fill and stroke commands for producing a bordered colour filled box - on Codea it seems automatic but on Love2D you appear to have to use two rect commands - one for the bordering box and one for the reduced filled internal box. Can anyone confirm. I see this as a difference but not a bug. The Codea approach seems the logical one.

Hi Zoyt,
I was confused intially with this on the PC. Eventually figured out that you need to put the loveCodify.lua file into the LOVE folder with the exe file for Love2D. I also found I had to put the vector.lua in the same directory as many of the example programs were calling this - basically using the latter as a library.
Hope this also applies to the Mac.

@Bri_G - Thanks for your help, but I got that far. No matter what I try, I still get that error. I seems you got it working. May I please have a test .love file please?

It’s just not working, even when I include the loveCodify.lua script in the folder with the scripts.

lovecodify is a bit outdated. Sorry but i have currently no time to update this.

To get a working love file, just put the loveCodify.lua and vector.lua into your project directory.

if dofile ~= nil then dofile ("loveCodify.lua") end
if require ~= nil then require ("loveCodify.lua") end
Zip and rename your Folder. Of couse without the top Folder itself.

Here is a working sample:

Thank you so much @SiENcE. If I knew how, I would update it for you. And I love your samples. :smiley:

I made a .lua to .love file converter for mace here..