Working Copy is a excellent Git client for iOS. It lets you sync to a directory, and tracks changes to it. In the case of Codea, for example, Working Copy sees all the tabs and the plist and assets, and manages them all in Git. It can even manage remote repos on GitHub and similar sites. Very fine The author is Anders Borum,
There is a special button in Working Copy, used to sync Codea projects, because, according to Anders:
Something unfortunately changed in iOS 13 such that a document picker can either be used to pick folders or used to pick documents but not both. Codea documents are directories but not folders which makes them sort of fall between the cracks.
This feature has stopped working in iPadOS 13.5.1. I’ve written to Anders for help.
I think making Codea folders more conformant would be very useful and I’d appreciate it getting early attention.
what would be ideal, for me and anyone who wants git code management, would be for Codea to move to a form that lets them work with Working Copy, and to appear in Codea’s “browser”. Of course, some directory/folder organization would help there as well.
the modern neat stuff like shaders is cool, but please don’t forget the basics. they’re important too.
@Simeon - if you move to folders would we lose the bundle images associated with the project.codea bundle. If so, I think it would be better to introduce folders but retain the bundles for the projects themselves.
Whilst on the subject - is the only way we can currently access the .codea bundles via the Codea editor and assets link? I know you can build them up separately and place them in the documents folder.
Yes, the next feature I’d like to add would be “Open External Folder” where you can open any standard folder as a Codea project
At the moment Codea projects are just folders, but they have an extension (FolderName.codea). macOS and iOS treat these as “bundles” and they are popular in a lot of Mac/iOS apps (e.g., .sketch files, .garageband tracks, etc)