Codea 3.2.10 (253)

@dave1707 is this a new bug in 3.2.12?

@dave1707 I see what you mean though, I’ll see what I can do

@Simeon Thats was an existing bug for awhile. I just kept forgetting about it until you mentioned you were working on the editor.

@Simeon @fave1707 - this was an issue raised a while ago, amongst a number of issues. In addition I noticed when you paste code into a blank tab the corsor ends up in the middle of the last end statement. Also when trying to place the cursor at the end of the code is difficult the cursor seems to jump up a line. This makes pressing to get the exit menu difficult.

Also may be associated is placement of code in indented code - if you want to add extra code to the indented code it goes in without indentation so you have to tab out again.

It’s almost like some formatting has been deleted from the code affecting cursor position. There should be blank lines after the bottom of any code tab.

@Simeon - on the subject of editor issues I have a problem sometimes with selection of code.

Example - in landscape I often want to select some functions which when selected reaches the bottom of the tab. The keyboard is usually present taking up half the screen. Scrooling the selection area from top to bottom when you reach the bottom the selection menu appears. Taking your finger off the selection handle the selection menu disappears. Trying to get it back by touching the bottom selection handle, more often than not results in deselection. May be tied to the problems at the bottom of the code - no blank lines, mentioned above.

exported apps seem not to be exported with the icon (corrected). we can test that by loading the program on another tablet.

@RonJeffries do you mean your projects don’t carry across when you install Codea on another device?

no, i mean that the saved project icon does not come over when i load a project on another ipad via a zip file.

Oh that’s odd, I’ll give it a try

Global Replace should be renamed to Global Destroy This Program. I makes random changes in random locations, reorders lines, something something impossible to predict or explain. Aside from that, if you want to destroy your program, it’s great.

To duplicate: in a multi-tab program, open a Find, set up and execute some global replace. Change what’s in the find, what’s in the replacement, do another. Repeat a few times. Observe program is scrambled. I’ll see if I can create a better example after I thank God for Working Copy and Git.

@RonJeffries sorry about that, it sounds frustrating and I’m glad you had everything in Git. I’ve added it to my list to audit the feature and see what the problem is

Super. I was more being sarcastic than angry. I’ve had worse things done to me in my life. Remind me to tell you what a Lithotripsy is someday. :slight_smile: