it seems 111 won’t install on an iPhone actually so it must be 108 that is causing the crashing issue. Whatever the latest build with iPhone support is, I can’t get it to open.
@Simeon There seems to be a problem with the mic commands and sound(). I tried adding a sound command to my mic example using touch. When I touched the screen to create a sound, the mic commands stop working. Not only that, the sound command will eventually stop working also. When that happened, I tried adjusting the volume level with the up/down side iPad buttons and noticed that the time it took to go from mute to full volume took about 9 seconds. When I totally close Codea the time from mute to full volume is about 3 seconds. Not sure what’s happening or if something is going into a long loop. Exiting and restarting the program doesn’t fix the problem, but a full close of Codea does.
@Simeon Here’s a simple program to show the problem with the sound and mic commands. If you play a sound, the mic commands don’t work. If you start the mic commands, then sound won’t work. You have to start fresh (close Codea) to try different situations. Also, once you do this there is a slight delay when you tap sound the first time. The delay is gone on the second and above taps. And notice the FPS display will lock up for a second or two sometimes.
function setup()
function draw()
text("touch above line for a sound",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2+50)
text("touch below line to start mic commands",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2-50)
text("FPS "..1//DeltaTime,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT-50)
text("amplitude "..mic.amplitude,WIDTH/2,250)
text("frequency "..mic.frequency,WIDTH/2,200)
function touched(t)
if t.state==BEGAN then
if t.y>HEIGHT/2 then
sound(SOUND_JUMP, 45262)
@piinthesky use the Files app and then drag a shader from Shade into the Codea folder. Then you can assign the shader through craft.material()
I tweeted a demo here
@dave1707 thank you for the report, I’ll have to look into what Codea is doing with audio. I think I had the same issue with Shade and managed to fix it.
@simeon cool! thanks
@simeon the workflow with the splitscreen is great.
i tried the brick shader instead of the checker shader on the planet 3d example. it is a bit strange -the brown colour of the brick flickers on and off as the planet is rotated?
Also the mapping of the texture to the Codea icosphere is not as correct as the sphere in Shade. I guess this is the issue previously discussed by loopspace and dave1707.
@piinthesky I think we tried the same shader. When I rotated the planet, I saw the black zigzag where the image wasn’t covering the sphere correctly. I didn’t notice the flickering, but that might be where 2 colors are occupying the same area and as the planet is rotated, one or the other color shows. I ran into something like that with some other graphic I did.
P.S. I didn’t use the split screen. I just copied the Shade shader and pasted it into the File Codea folder.
@piinthesky @dave1707 It’s definitely a bit buggy with shaders. We’ll be fixing it all up during the Shade beta.
@simeon something strange…the grid in the voxel editor example, now seems to ‘fade’ away as a function of distance from the viewer camera? I actually use the grid class in my program and it also now seems to behave differently than before.
@piinthesky Oh it looks like we modified that grid for the Shade preview system and unintentionally affected the Voxel Editor example! Good find. Probably we should parameterise the fade colour and then fix it up in the example projects.
@Simeon I tried my program above where the sound a mic commands didn’t work together. The current code fixed the problem. The sound and mic commands work OK now.
PS. If mic is running and the project is closed, the mic is stopped when the code is re-started instead of still running. That works OK now.
@Simeon I tried @Kirl tint program and that looked like it worked OK, but I’ll let him do his testing to see if everything works for him.
@simeon interesting! with 116 my program acquired a lot of extra tabs that were not present previously! Perhaps they were old tabs that had mysteriously vanished in the past. Do you think the longstanding bug of tabs disappearing in large projects could be fixed?
@piinthesky I completely rewrote the document model to integrate with apps like Working Copy. So now even if you didn’t add a tab via Codea, or Codea somehow lost it but the file still exists, it will load any Lua files in the project. It also only saves changes rather than everything.
Let me know if you lose any data, I really want to get the new system robust.
@simeon something funny with
i now get an error message
failed to load shader- Hidden Materials: Skybox
stack traceback:
[c] in method ‘pausé
weird, i notice i have 7 copies of ‘materials’ and 7 copies of ´hidden materials’ in my assets?
skybox is located in materials not hidden materials.
@piinthesky I thought that bug was fixed! Sorry we’ll make sure we fix that next build
@Simeon - when I loaded 116 up I found I had no Dropbox assets in Assets. Trying to sync from the settings wheel icon had three options unlink, sync and unlink and cancel. I presume I need to use sync and unlink but it sounds like it will disconnect. Unlink was in orange other options in green.
Also, on my iPad Pro (9.7) the project icons seem larger and are crowding up against the settings wheel icon in the top right looks a little too close for me.
The icon for closing the asset window, top right of that window, still doesn’t close the window - but anywhere on the main window does (trivial).
@Bri_G what was the last build you were running? There haven’t been any significant changes to Dropbox or the project icons in a while.
@Simeon - just followed the evolution installing each version when it was issued. So 108 then 111 then 116. Also did this with iOS.
Note also testing Shade, is there any overlap?
Is there any way of getting history of installations on iPad, would be neat for debugging?
@Bri_G you can install an old version (“Previous Builds” in TestFlight app).
Odd though, the project icons shouldn’t have changed size between builds. Though you can make them smaller from the Settings pane on the right.