Codea 2.6.2 (127)

@Bri_G thank you and everyone for reporting the crashes. Sorry about the lack of stability. I have a feeling it’s related to the external file tracking added in 2.6.1 which allows Codea to update the editor when a project is modified externally. I’m trying to reproduce the bug and fix it.

@Simeon For me it seems that while I’m making a change or just keying something new, I’ll find myself back at the iPad app screen. I think it mostly happens after I make a change, run the code, make a change, run the code etc. several times that it crashes. I’ve tried several times doing that just to try and force a crash, but I can’t seem to force it.

@Simeon - my apologies, just checked the version I am running and it is 124 not 127. Stepped back from 127 due to consistent errors with 3D projects and cameras.

@dave1707 thanks for the details. I’m putting version 2.6.3 up for beta app review which makes some significant changes to the internals of the code editor — I’d be interested to know if the stability changes.

Also in the next beta there will be a setting to opt-in to using the new code editor UI, which is designed to work better at different sizes (phone especially). Most of it is unimplemented and it’s very work-in-progress, but it would be interesting to get your impressions.

@Bri_G that’s odd! There’s nothing really different about those versions other than 124 supports iPhone + iPad and 127 is iPad-only. I think 127 only fixes the duplicate project bugs that @dave1707 reported for version 124

@Simeon - my experience is similar to @dave1707 in that I have had several crashes on my iPad over the last few weeks. I am sure 127 gave me problems but not the disappearing code I saw in 124.

@Simeon - just showing the grandkids a few simple games on 124. Loaded up ping started, showed game screen then crashed. Repeated the process, got a little further closed the parameter window and crashed. Repeated a third time and same again. The funny thing was the ping project icon moved from near the bottom to mid way then to second in the examples folder. Strange.

@Simeon - is there any log kept of users installations? Does TestFlight keep a log, it could be a valuable tool for retrospective debugging.

Also, what actually happens with installation of a beta version? Is the existing installation totally removed, or only modified modules replaced. I take it that existing project files are retained. Are there any configuration files?

Sorry for being so nosy I just like to understand the process.

@Simeon - a little bit more info on ping. Tried moving main tab to far left - still crashed.
Tried selecting each tab before running - game started working but crashed later.
Tried opening individual tabs and running - all crashed fairly quickly.
All tests after first one had main at far left.

Note the position of ping in the examples collection jumped around.

Also the position of the Examples collection in the listing jumped around.

@Bri_G thanks for all the details. I’m installing 127 to try to reproduce this behaviour. The Ping example crashes for me too, looks like there’s a bug in the OpenGL renderer which is triggered by certain Lua code. I’m trying to isolate what it is.

The way updating works is that the Codea Document’s directory is kept but the rest of the application is replaced.

The projects move around probably because the sorting is set to “Recent” and it’s organising by last-modified date. The collections (Examples, Craft) are sometimes moving around too but that’s something that will be fixed in a future version.

@Bri_G on further experimenting it looks like an issue with noSmooth() and line(). When I remove the noSmooth() call from the Ping code it seems to work OK. Does this work for you?

Edit: Interestingly our noSmooth line drawing code hasn’t changed in many years, looks like OpenGL on iOS has changed and what was working for rendering lines is now crashy. I think I have it fixed.

@Simeon @Bri_G I’m on 127 and I played 3 games of ping. Each game lasted about 5 minutes and I had no trouble with any of them.

Ps Played 2 more games with no crashes.

@dave1707 this bug looks like it could be related to particular iPad hardware + iOS version + OpenGL implementation. I’ve fixed it now but it’s one of those subtle bugs that manifests only under specific system conditions.

@Simeon OK. Tried it on my iPad Pro and it crashes each time I tried to run it.

@Simeon@dave1707 - looks like this is more complicated than previous problems. Apple must be obliged to provide developers with hardware/OS/openGl and similar requirements for them to produce compatible software. Simeon, do you test on multiple hardware or do you have a softwae simulator?

Will switch to 130 later today, too busy at moment.

@Bri_G I run it on a few devices but the only practical way to catch the specific conditions that made this pop up is to have beta testers like you who tell me about it. Thank you for helping me find it!