Codea 1.5.2 Suggestions

. @Simeon Not sure if this is possible or not, but it would be nice if an option of listProjectTabs() could return a table of all projects and tabs. A table would be returned with each entry being “project name:tab name”. A program would be able to read all projects and tabs without having to specify any names in advance.

What about just making a listProjects() function? Once you have the project you can get at it’s tabs using listProjectTabs()

. @toadkick Either one would work for me. I just want an easy way to get at every project and every tab.

@Simeon - I wanna thank you for accepting my ideas.

I thought that it’s hard to see so many old topics. I always press on “Mark All Viewed” link. :smiley:

hey @Simeon, is it possible to bring back the old tab functionality (always visible). Or at least like:

When scrolling code (not editing - no keyboard shown up), tabs are blended out. When editing code (keyboard visible) tabs are always visible!
The thing is, I often switch tabs and test some code. With new Codea I always have to scroll up and down to access the tabs… not good…

I’d like a built in backup and restore feature for projects.

Also the ability for Codea to automatically break classes into tabs when code is pasted in from other places.

Would it be possible to add the ability to expand and contract functions? This would make scrolling through code so much easier. Keep up the great work!

I’m with @briarfox. That’s a great suggestion.

I’d also love to see auto-complete hints for my custom variables, functions, and properties, just like we have for the built-in functions and constants.

Seconded @briarfox scrolling through a long program to find a particular function can be a bit of pain.

Perhaps if there was a button that would reveal some kind of list of all the functions in the current tab in alphabetical order, clicking the function name would close the list and move to the line of the function.

I don’t imagine it would be too difficult to implement?

@bywatt autocomplete would be great too, probably a bit harder.
@Ignatz another great suggestion for pasting in code auto creation of tabs.

Scratch my suggestion, somehow in using codea for nearly a week I had not used the search function. Which does exactly what I suggested but even more awesome.

Keep up the good work!

A bigger math keypad would be great for iPad mini users.

I would second @toadkick’s suggestion for listProjects() to be added to the Codea API. As I understand it, there is no easy way for standard Lua 5.1 to identify the contents of a directory under iOS, even with os and io enabled.

Could we have a parameterPush() and parameterPop() functions? I’ve tried to implement it myself with a hardcopy of parameter but it does not work, the commands are not exposed. It would be usefull for multiple level menus

Dear TLL,

Since you’re passing out gifts, I’d like one. I would like Codea’s command line editor to act more like a command line editor.

I’m working through the book “Beginning Lua Programming” and I’ve discovered that I can execute many of the exercises directly from the command line–without having to put the code into ‘function setup’ and hitting the ‘go’ button. That’s really a nice option.

Yet currently, Codea only places the ‘results’ of my entered command into that scrollable table along with any returned values or “=>nil” if nothing is returned. It would be nice if, when I executed my command, the typed command itself populated into that scrollable table and then the next line would show the results. That way, I could examine what I typed as well as the results. Furthermore, it would be nice if I could select previously executed commands, from the scrollable table, and have it reappear on the command line. That way, I could make any corrections and execute the command again.

Interesting idea @Ric_Esrey. I like it. I’ll see what can be done to improve that area of the UI.

Hi all,

I’ve always thought we could improve the parameter window. Several suggestions here:

  1. Separate the parameter window from the watch window so we can minimise the loss of the main screen.

  2. Make both windows moveable and dock able.

  3. Have an option to retain full window size or scroll to one side for parameter/watch window.

  4. Make the parameter/ watch background colour selectable and importantly adjustable for transparency so that you can see the screen below it.

Hope these ideas generate some interest.



Hi All,

Suggestion for the new excellent guide - put the close guide button at the top of the guide window. I hate scrolling down the listing window to get to the top when the close button appears.



@Simeon - During the last period I’ve spent more time with Codea. So, I’ve some new ideas for Codea version 1.5.3 or 1.5.4. I know that it’s easy to propose ideas and another is to apply them, but believe me, I can’t resist to not tell you my new ideas.
In general settings panel you can add more settings.
So here is a list:

  • 1. When I create a new project, In main.lua and newClass.lua are written some comments and I'm always forced to delete them because these comments bother me. In general settings add the ability to cancel these comments.
  • 2. In general settings add ability to remove from video capture the watermark: Made with Codea. Why? I want to make a game with Codea then I want to record my game and then I'll make a video presentation. In this video presentation I will add my game (video recorded). It would be bad to appear, Made with Codea, in the bottom right corner of video recorded.
  • 3. I created a picture with 2048x1536 resolution for retina display compatible. I need this image as the background for my game. When I import this image, Codea convert this image to my iPad without resolution retina display. This is good. But, When I activate Retina option, this image is converted to resolution 512x384, But this image should be converted to resolution 1024×768.
That was it ...

Can you add an option to create a blank class file? Or create a file as a duplicate from a selected file in another project

@Simeon - I would like to know what is your opinion on what I wrote in the last post here.