Codea 1.5.2 Suggestions

@inancyuce Agreed with that.
By the way, I wonder if it is possible to incorporate some kind of wait or delay function. I know you can simulate the effect with some simple coding, but it would be fairly easier with a function like that.

Sorry to spam the forum with this today, but generic delay/timer functionality has been requested so frequently lately that I think it’s worth mentioning again.

@csolanov this might be of interest to you:

code: HERE, context HERE and HERE

IMO there’s no need for Codea to provide this functionality, because a simple library will suffice. However, I would not complain if some sort of timer functionality was added to Codea.

@Simeon There’s a couple of things I’ve noticed over the last couple of weeks I thought I’d mention.

  1. tween() doesn’t fire callbacks everytime the tween loops/pingpongs when the loop mode is tween.loop.forever or tween.loop.pingpong. It seems like this would be the desired behavior, as there are often things you might want to do each time a tween loops.

  2. Would it be possible to wrap the chunk compiled by the REPL in a pcall when executing it? It’s frustrating when my program crashes because I misspelled something in the REPL, and I have to completely restart.

@toadkick thanks for the report, will look into the tween bug. The REPL code does use lua_pcall to execute your string. Do you have a simple piece of code I can try to reproduce the crash?


  1. Maybe a more versatile template solution is needed in the future (being able to use your own projects as templates).

  2. That’s something you can get rid of by modifying the water mark file (i.e., to an empty image) in iExplorer. I’ll have a think about an in-app solution though.

  3. That’s odd, that sounds like a bug to me, I’ll look into it.

@Simeon: ah yes! I didn’t realize that Codea paused program execution whenever a REPL error occurred…I thought it was stopping execution completely. Thanks!

i’m missing audio files… .wav or.mp3 =(

Any timeline on GPS or compass? Thanks.

@Mark I still have your API proposal in mind. I can’t give an ETA though. I hope we can fit it in while doing the audio features.

@MadFlyer this one we are working on.

@MadFlyer - in the meantime, the new add on api makes it easy to include mp3 functionality in projects you export to Xcode -

+1 to @Mark - Any chance to GPS/Location API?