Acorn Mayhem - Now Available!

@pleiser I signed up for the Beta testing. If you could accept Im running IPhone 4s 7.1.2. Would love to try it

@GriffinC, thanks for all the feedback,
yes, I intended for it to support both landscape and portrait, but I will look into having an alternate background with a better aspect ratio for landscape.

The reason there is no space between the buttons is just that the words in those buttons are longer, and consequently take more space, each button is spaced evenly 1/4 across the screen from the previous (although I may change that).

I have been planning to replace the explanation of variable speed, but I am not sure where I should put it or how to explain it.

did you get to the shop page through the main menu or the buy continues button in the gameover screen? It is supposed to return you to whatever screen you came from, did it not?

I am glad you like night mode, tilt control, and the stats :slight_smile:

you have been added to the credits in the current dev build :slight_smile:

I am planning to make it a free app :slight_smile:

thanks for testing,


P.S. anyone who is not in the credits, and wants to be (who I may have forgotten), please reply or send me a PM of how you want your name to appear.


@pleiser Cool themes idea! Eventually, are you going to have the themes pre-loaded (bundled with the app), or are you going to put them on a website like and have each theme downloaded?

The next update (0.11.0) is available! The new update adds themes (aka skins or texturepacks), including a menu to choose between them, and an automatic fallback mechanism that will use the default sprites if they don’t exist in the new skin. :slight_smile:

update, and let me know what you think :slight_smile:


Could you add a sound on sound off button I usually play games with music on so the other stuff can be annoying sometimes

I think the acorns should look different in different themes

And maybe the red ones should be bombs or something because it is sort of confusing when they are all shaped like acorns.

Do you have a video @pleiser?

thanks for all the feedback (as usual) :slight_smile:

@GriffinC, I will look into adding a sound toggle button.

@Saturn031000, They will probably primarly be pre-loaded, although if it is possible to add an external download feature, that would be awesome too.

@Coder, The acorns (and basically any image) can be changed in different themes, I only changed the background in the “Beta” theme as it is the only thing I had an alternate image for (and that is indeed how it looked in earlier Beta).

@Saturn03100, with themes I can make one with bombs for red acorns, I did previously look into having a black “X” in them, but that did not look very good.

@Rodolphe, not yet, I will take one and reply with it :slight_smile: EDIT: where does codea save videos taken with the video button? (does it even work when codea is transferred to xcode?) I was planning to use the built in feature to take a video, but it does not appear to be in my photo library (where I expected it)



Rather than text of 0 when you hit a red acorn could you put -1 or something to show you have lost a life

@Coder, How about a red “X”? added to next update :).


@pleiser I think I should point out that alpha versions are the versions that are released, and therefore ‘alpha testers’ sounds like its already been realeased. Also, I noticed that in the themes menu, the pictures of the acorns are there. Does this mean that they can also be changed with themes?

@Saturn031000, alpha is before beta is before release.

alpha versions have not been released.

@JakAttak I just looked it up and you’re right. I got confused by Minecraft PE, where it says v0.9.5 alpha in the bottom left.

@Saturn031000, Yes, the acorns can also be changed (as can virtually any in-game image) :slight_smile: .


@pleiser an idea to add might be to add an option to mute sound or music in the settings. This could allow people to listen to their own music and play the game.


^ wow such +1

I have now added an option to mute the music in settings, by popular request, in version 0.11.3 (uploading now) :slight_smile: . It currently does not mute the sound effects for getting acorns, dying, etc, do you think it should mute these too?
