Just curious about the speed of the different iPads. Run this code and post the speed. No need to respond if someone else posted a speed for that device. I’m sure the speeds will vary slightly on similar devices.
function setup()
for z=1,loop do
Here are the times for my 2 iPads. The Air is almost 5 times faster than the iPad1.
iPad 4th gen 17 seconds. I think SkyTheCoder hot wired his iPad with gypsy magic. I thought the Air had just a new case and not better hardware but I guess I was wrong
@matox That kind of surprised me. I put the code in the draw() function and let it go for 25 runs and my time was consistently 7.77… to 7.79… . I guess compared to you and @SkyTheCoder, I have a slow iPad Air. I wonder what affects the times.
Silly me. I think I know why I’m slower on the Air. I’ve been on Codea 2.0 for so long that I forgot that some of you weren’t. I’m running 64 bit math routines compared to 32 bit in the previous version. @SkyTheCoder and @matox, try this again once you switch to 2.0 and see if your times increase a little.