The processors in mobile devices like the iPad are also very sensitive to ambient temperature. So you get different performance in cold environments vs very hot ones.
@John, that’s interesting. Would extreme cold and hot both slow it down, or does it perform better in the cold for example?
@dave1707 My iPad Air has the same speeds as yours. 7.77 to 7.79
@JakAttak when the temperature gets too high the CPU is throttled. For example, despite the iPad mini retina being similar to the iPad Air, it can’t sustain full performance for the same period of time due to the smaller case.
Today I Codea 2.0 installed. The speed results on my iPadAir have changed. Previously, 7:52 to 7:59, the values ??are now between 7.72 and 7.74.
@matox That’s what I thought would happen. Going from 40 million 32 bit math calls to 40 million 64 bit calls added .2 seconds in time. That shows that the switch from 32 to 64 bit math didn’t add that much time. I’m sure the increase in precision more than makes up for the increase in time.
iPad Mini 32.39.
I found it strange that there was so little difference between the first ones… Might be that only the graphics part was updated from iPad 1 to iPad 3. ?
iPad Air obviously comes close to pc-speeds, fascinating.
@dave1707 in more complex CPU bound tasks the 64 bit code should run faster on the Air by a fair amount (10-20%). Because code compiled for 64 bit arm can take advantage of double the registers and a more advanced instruction set.
@Simeon Is there anywhere that I can find out the internal workings of Codea on the iPad. I don’t have a Mac, so my only coding is on the iPad. I’m very satisfied with the speed and the increased precision of the 64 bit math code. Actually, I’m satisfied with everything.
To compare with the most powerfull calculator : The Hp Prime with very fast programmation. ( fast scrolling… )
hardware : 400 mhz arm the only calc with color touchscreen 320x240 pix
10.000 loops in 2,2 sec
100.000 in 22 sec
1.000.000 in 3m33s
10 000 000 in 34 min ( we can imagine 10 minutes with 1,2 ghz processor )
IPad mini retina 8.56. Nice update from an ipad 2. My CSG and marching code is much faster.
~19.11 on my iPad 4th gen. I am jealous of all of you folks with newer iPads
@hpsoft I tried this on my TI 89 Titanium and a 100 count loop took 10 sec. I’m not about to try the 10,000,000 count.
@dave1707 Ti89 Titanium have Motorola 68000 Microprocessor at 12 MHz 40x slower
100 count in 10 sec → 10.000 counts in 1000 sec divided by 40 → 25 sec
near 22 sec of hp prime. Yes it’s logical. But i think if i could turn off the big screen of hp prime during the execution, it increase the speed.
perhaps it was interesting to turn the screen off during the execution of codea program for look the difference
On the TI-Nspire I need 49 secs for 100000.
Back to the iPads, is there a huge difference in graphical speed between the different versions ?
Yes, but I imagine not as great, because the number of pixels multiplied by 4 when iPads went retina
@hpsoft There’s no point in worrying about the Codea display. All of the execution is done in setup before it gets to the draw function. You could add a print statement in draw and it will print out the execution time before it prints anything in the draw function.
I had an iPad 3 for over 3 years, so it was time…
Have you just upgraded?