Working Copy How To?

Search isn’t helping me find anything about how to connect my Codea project to Working Copy. Links or hints please? Thanks!

OK I managed to “Save to Working Copy” using Export Zip (not entirely obvious but Working Copy has some limited help). I see there is a possibility Process in Working Copy but that did nothing.

The 2.6.1 writeup seems to say that I can simultaneously edit in Working Copy and Codea. That would be interesting to try. How is it done?

Is there a users’ guide for Codea somewhere that I’ve missed?


The users guide for Codea is the built in documentation and whatever you find in the forum. As for Working Copy, I haven’t the slightest idea. Never used it.

The docs on functions and such are great. Things like this, not so much. I wish Simeon would video his tests or something. :slight_smile:

Dave, what, if anything, do you use for code versioning?

@RonJeffries I don’t do anything for versioning other than making a copy of the project before I make changes. I don’t write anything so big that I can’t take the copy and redo what I want if I mess things up.


  1. Open up working copy and Codea side-by-side (you don’t have to do this, but it helps)
  2. Under Repositories in Working Copy hit + to add a new one
  3. Choose Setup Synced Directory
  4. Navigate to On My iPad -> Codea
  5. Tap the project you want to keep synced to git
  6. Working Copy will show the syncing pane, press Done when it’s done

Now you probably want to do an initial commit in working copy

  1. In your repo (named something like My Project.codea tap the first item in the list named “Repository”
  2. Press Commit Changes
  3. Type a commit message, select all files to commit, then press Commit

Now start editing your project in Codea, you’ll see the state of the repository in Working Copy update as you edit files in Codea. You can now commit these changes in Working Copy as you edit.

Any time you revert or switch branches in Working Copy the Codea project will update too.

The Twitter video I posted about this shows the same steps:

Super, I’ll try that. Please go paste that somewhere into the docs where folks can find it. :slight_smile:

I hear that, dave. same for me, really, but my religion requires me to try these things and possibly use them even if only in the small. :slight_smile:

OK, learned some things. First, Files On my iPad / Codea has all my Codea stuff in it. I probably missed some memos, so I’m probably worse than a newbie, but I don’t know how I was supposed to find that out.

Second, the video goes super fast. I had to pause it and try to slowly drag the slider to see what was going on.

Third, when I finally opened the right folder and did the sync, it (of course) worked fine.

I’d like to help make things like this easier. I can write and learn. I’m not sure I have much time to put into it, but maybe there’s some way I can help.

Sorry about the video speed, it was originally for twitter, which means short attention spans.

You’re right that putting it in the docs is needed. But sometimes I feel like putting it in the docs is also burying it.

My personal preference for learning tends to be those “Tip of the day” / “Did you know” style messages that come up every so often. I wonder if this is more suited to something like that.

Well, what are the odds that the tip of the day will answer the question the user has at that moment? I’d guess low. Of course a giant manual would bury things too. Possibly some better organization here would be useful, maybe a How To section or something. I’ve tried writing stuff elsewhere and linking here, to little avail. But something might be done, if we could think of it.

Yeah that’s true, I often don’t find out about an interesting feature until I’ve seen quite a few tips. But then I probably wouldn’t have been open to reading through anything to find them.

I’m thinking about including a quick start style page in the new code editor. Using 5 - 10 second looping videos to show how to perform common actions. Then I can include more in-depth pieces at the bottom of that area such as managing projects with Git.

Welcome back a year later. When I navigate in Working Copy to the on my ipad / Codea folder, WC does not show individual projects, so I can’t select them to sync.

Ideas welcome … thanks!

This helpful tip from Anders Borum, the creator of Working Copy:

Something unfortunately changed in iOS 13 such that a document picker can either be used to pick folders or used to pick documents but not both.

Codea documents are directories but not folders which makes them sort of fall between the cracks.

The solution is to create an empty repository or clone any existing repository matching a Codea project, then invoke the share sheet for this repository where you pick “Setup Package Sync” that will let you pick Codea projects. It is no coincidence that the icon for this action looks like this.

(It looks like the Codea logo. :slight_smile: )

Works just right!

I just lost a half hour of work to a Codea crash. I’m so glad to have found this. Never again!

There’s always the long press on the “run icon”, top right, that gives you the option to save your code before it’s run.

i’ve wondered about that. i’ve seen CodeaUnit tests fail to run because the code it reads isn’t the code in the tab. why aren’t changed tabs always saved?

@UberGoober Is there a reason you’re not writing to “project data”. I’ve also seen times where you write info to a tab and the info doesn’t show until you exit the project and reload it.

@RonJeffries +1


long press on the “run icon”

Is this documented anywhere?