[[[[[why don't change the way for organized game res]]]]]]

i’m the new to codea but i find it’s really bad use for the document game res file
i think the a really good use way for organized game res is like this:
for example, i had a project named “xxx”, and i had a image “zzz”,
so codea must let me to create a res pack named “xxx”, and i can create the sub folder named “gui image, player image, sound …and so on”
rather than the current way “many project had use the same document:zzz”
so i do not use dropbox at all now!

so sad…

Is this spam or am I just not getting the point?

Every project already has its own private resource pack. You use it like this: saveImage("Project:foo", bar) and it saves the image “bar” under the name “foo” in your project’s private resources. I believe sub-folders are on the feature list for a future update, too.