Where in the world are we?

Jacksonville, FL

near Brussels, Belgium. From Wales, UK.

Whoops! Never got myself in here. Prescott, AZ.

Marseille, south of France

Alberta, Canada

B.C. Canada

North America, Kansas!

Venezuela (Miranda) America center

near Brussels, Belgium
born in: Belgium


North America, Washington state.

Izmir, Turkey

I want to be on the map to!

I live in Groningen, The Netherlands, where I study Applied Physics.

@Kjell een nederlander! Ik heb er hier nog geen een gezien.

I updated the world map for all the new additions above. Code here


@starblue: Hello, fellow Austinite!

Missouri , USA

Wow! @Ignatz, as usual, an incredible piece of Codea code! Great job!

@ignatz Nice map!
Chicago, lL.

Stockholm, Sweden!

Le Havre, France