When creating a universal app, what is the best way to handle full screen pictures.

When creating a universal app, what is the best way to handle full screen pictures. Al my photos are 1024x768 and of course look stretched on the iPhone 5 and smashed on the 4s. is there a way to not stretch them? what are your best recommendations? Thanks

Right now I am using WIDTH and HEIGHT to set there size, which makes them fit but stretched them.

@swiftjuan you want to use ratios, the best way I can think of to do this would be (assuming you have the WIDTH and HEIGHT values for all devices, also this may not work thinking about it):

photosize = vec2(1024x768):normalize()
photosize = photosize*vec2(WIDTH,HEIGHT):len()

Or you could do that but only multiply it by the HEIGHT value if in landscape or the WIDTH value if it portrait.

A bit lost here. Can you give me an example for the iPhone 5 1136x640? The images are 1024x768 and look great on the iPad. i get a user data error when i try to use photosioze for height and width. Obviously I an not gett ing back a number, but a string i don’t know how to convert to a number.

   ~ if deviceIsIpad() then
        bgW = WIDTH
        bgH = HEIGHT
        imageActualW = 1024
        imageActualH = 768
        local x = WIDTH / imageActualW - 1
        bgW = WIDTH *.75
        bgH = (imageActualH * x + imageActualH) * .75
ratioX, ratioY = WIDTH / 1024, HEIGHT / 768

bgW, bgH = WIDTH * ratioX, HEIGHT * ratioY

^ i will try that. my brain is telling me that that will skew the image. i might need a new brain :slight_smile: