Version 2.8 (160)

@Simeon - just loaded new version and ran into problem with commenting. Lines commented green without — marks. But, still ran OK - this in old editor. Switched to new editor and not commented there. Also changed font size on right side panel only went up to 24. Then system slowed down, stuck and poor response to touch. Image of commenting attached.

Stopped Codea and restarted, the commenting uncommented lines had gone but right hand panel still slow.

Also, not just in the latest version, but also the previous one, I have had a few problems with editing. One when I have added some figures like a vector number. On trying to run then I get errors and when I go back to the code the numbers I typed are gone.

The other issue is when I try to close the running screen with controls bottom right on occasion it has dropped out of Codea. Not reproducible.

The code editor was slow with a large font?

Which iOS version are you on?

Did the unsaved changes issue happen in the new editor or the old one?

@Simeon - it was the touch response in the settings window that gave the impression it was very busy and not responding to touches, it did eventually but there was a definite ‘delay’. Response also seen on buttons e.g. for recent versus alphabetic. Could it be tied to multiple taps on increasing font size, which locked at 24?

IOS 12.3.1.

Old editor, does the code overlap between editors or are they discrete packages?

The code overlaps quite a bit but there are differences relating to how they save your code

@Simeon with new code editor we’ve got back the old issue with renaming tabs/files. The renaming should be case sensitive, because otherwise same words, but different capitalization is not accepted as a valid new name.

@se24vad thanks for catching that regression

@Simeon With the latest code (153), if I open a shader that was created with Shade using the Codea shader lab editor, it doesn’t show any vertex or fragment code and it flashes an error message that’s hard to read in a window in the lower right corner. I don’t expect it to show any code or work, but it probably shouldn’t allow it to be opened, or maybe show a message that can be seen easily.

@Simeon Codea version 153 doesn’t start with the project list screen, but with the Reference, Assets, ShaderLab, Air Code screen.

@Simeon The new code allows me to rename tabs, changing the case of the letters. It won’t allow 2 tabs with the same name with different case letters. Not sure of the reason to allow upper/lower case names if the names with different cases are treated the same. Not that I would have different tabs with the same name anyways. But then I don’t worry about the case of the tabs either.

@dave1707 thank you for all those reports. I forgot about Shade shaders — I’ll try hide them from the picker

The initial layout issue is a bug I introduced last night. Will fix

The tabs can’t have the same name with alternate case, but someone reported not being able to change case of an existing tab so I figured I would add support for that.

I guess if you accidentally name something “Myclass” but really wanted “MyClass” and then the lower case ‘c’ bothers you every time you look at the tab…

@Simeon I wasn’t sure about the tab names. I figured since variable names can have the same name and work with different cases, then maybe the tabs names were supposed to also. I think whenever I had the wrong case on a tab, I would just copy the code, delete the tab and create the correct tab and paste the code back in. But it’s good know the rename works.

@Simeon - updated to 153, checking on the font issue - still 24 max but you probably have that upper limit set. The order of sorting alphabetic/recent still slow but realised that’s probably due to the number of projects I have in my project list. Do you have a buffer page created to show projects to speed up page change? The small/large icons is rapid switch now. New editor doesn’t respond to settings font size change.

@Bri_G how many projects do you have?

@Simeon - 464 plus examples and craft examples. Most in collections but about 50 showing project icons on the screen when Codea started. I’m not the most tidy person and tend to shelve things when I get stuck and have multiple copies (variants) trying different approaches. My bad!!!

No that’s fine, we should be able to handle it better!

@Simeon @Bri_G I have 565 projects plus whatever the examples are and it takes about 1 second to do the name/recent sort. I always keep it sorted by name so that doesn’t matter. Sometimes when I scroll the projects fast, the scrolling pauses for a few seconds like its trying to catch up. That’s been happening for several releases. I’ve just been scrolling slower to get around it.

@Simeon @dave1707 - most of my project files are in collections, I wonder if that contributes to the slow response. Scrolling through project files isn’t a problem though.

Couple of things on an aside though - may be an iOS issue but I find when I run an app now a window opens from the bottom left corner of the pad zooming up to fill the screen. Part way through there is a definite pause when you can see the window set against the padtop background. Have you seen that?

Second - has the Codea website been updated? I keep seeing little black messages in the bottom left corner. Usually about saving draft data, but one with a light bulb and saying can’t find that file. It hung up the browser and I had to restart Safari and lost the post (this one first time).

Also I was logged out of the website and had to log back in. On that the buttons seem to have changed there is a login with a register immediately next to it - could you separate those a little.

@Simeon - is the search implemented on the new editor? Can’t seem to get a search field loaded to identify criteria for search.

Edit: Forget that - found it on the Do menu - dohhhh half asleep today.

@Simeon - just found another situation with the new editor, although I haven’t been able to duplicate it yet. I was editing a project, 3 tabs, and had just edited a tab and run the program then used the cmd line editor to print out variable status. Having done so I the returned to the editor and made a few edits. Then I tried to run the project and it stayed in the editor. Couldn’t see any errors so I tried to drop out of the editor but again it was not responding. I tried the two drop downs on the menus and they dropped down OK. Had to shut down Codea and restart and everything was back to normal. Will try to see if I can duplicate this.

@Bri_G oh you got that bug too! It happens when Codea can’t save your changes. Can you check something for me?

  • Go to Settings app on your iPad
  • Choose “Codea”
  • What do you have listed under “Document Storage” — is it “On my iPad” or something else?

(I’m trying to fix this at the moment.)

On search: the plan is to move it to the “Do” menu and use the space on the keyboard for something else