touch tracking in SODA

Hello, i’ve been working with coda for about a month now and i have a question about how can you implement a touch tracking function with a button
i have something that is pretty close to the function that i want to use but i can’t seem to be able to implement it in SODA

function setup()

    -- prepare any object with x,y,w,h fields, here a button

    local txt = "Sometime you just want to get std Codea touch events"

    button = {

    x = WIDTH/2,

    y = HEIGHT/2,

    w = WIDTH/4,

    h = HEIGHT/4,

    txt = txt,

    color = color(255, 190, 0, 255), -- button color in false state


    -- ############### and add a Sensor to it  #################

    button.sensor = Sensor{ parent=button, xywhMode=RADIUS }

    button.sensor:onTouched( function(event)

        local t = event.touch

        local str = "x= "..tostring(t.x).." y= "..tostring(t.y)

        button.txt = txt .. "\
" .. str

        if t.state==ENDED then button.txt = txt end


    -- ############### #################  #################


function touched(t)

    -- ######### add this in your touched function #########

    if button.sensor:touched(t) then return true end


function draw()


    background(178, 178, 178, 255)     




    fill(57, 57, 57, 255)         -- set color for text

    fontSize(25)            -- set font size



    text(button.txt,button.x,button.y)       -- draw text on screen)      


thanks in advance

What do you want the button to do? I’m not sure what you mean by touch tracking

I want it, when i put my finger in it, to show me the coordinates in x and y

Just like the D_11 on touch on this video