Touch Function.

I am having trouble using the touch function from classes other than the main one. For example, if I try calling the function inside the main class it doesn’t work, and I can’t call the function inside the class where it is needed, or otherwise is presents me with an error. Can anyone help me out on a possible solution as I never really got the hang of this, and have been putting this off for some time. Thanks!

Something like this

function setup()

function touched(touch)

Car = class()
function Car:touched(touch)

Edit: i just posted a second after @Kjell

@DarrellBro I’m sorry, I just can’t stand the sight of this. It’s you’re, not your.

@YoloSwag I’m not sure what you’ve already done, so I’m just giving the basics here.

If you have defined MyClass = class() and a function MyClass:touched(touch), you can call the touch function like this:

function setup()
    obj = MyClass()

function touched(touch)

Make sure you pass the touch userdata to the function every time you call it.

Thank you both. This helps a lot!