Thanks for moving to Discourse

Back in the day, I thought it was too painful having to type on Vanilla forums or whichever it was. Was so wishing that it could be Discourse forums.

Haven’t been here in a long time, and so, so glad to see Discourse now.

Just opened Codea again to play around with some ideas.

Can I change my username? I think my previous username was @t1_ which caused some issues, and it seems to have defaulted to this.


Cheers, Vanilla was just becoming too hard to manage and this seemed like a good alternative.

Unfortunately usernames must end with a letter or number, so you can’t have an _ at the end

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Thanks for letting me know - was wondering if i could change it to t1_tracey if that’s possible? No rush or anything.

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Welcome back! We were pretty happy to move to Discourse too :smiley:

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