syntax error near 'for'

function setup()
    for i=0, 100 do
        for j=0, 50 do

Am I doing something wrong?

function setup()

    grid = {} -- Grid is NOT NIL!!!

    for i=0, 100 do
        grid[i] = {}

        for j=0, 50 do
            --grid[i][j]--But why?

              -- Here it will be 50*100 times repeated



EDIT: Also grid = {} should be only in setup. The others should bein draw, if you want to draw the grid. To draw your grid use line(i * 5, j * 5, i * 10, j * 5) in the formats where i, j is counting from 0 till 50 (or 100)

@Kire It appears you’re trying to create a two-dimensional array. Your error is coming from not assigning a value to grid[i] or grid[i][j].
First you need to declare grid as a table: grid = {}
Then you need to declare each element of grid as a new table: grid[i] = {}
And then you need to assign whatever value you want to that position: grid[i][j] = "value"

Thank you, very much!