Sprite Size Aspect Ratio By Height

It would be nice if the function sprite also scale in aspect ratio by height. Currently it’s only possible by width.
sprite("image", 0, 0, width) -- without arg height it will be calculated automatically
I want: sprite("image", 0, 0, nil, height) -- error: number expected
It’s nice to have. Of course, I also could calculate the ratio size by my own. But is more comfortable to use api.

You can override the API if you wish, just make sure you save a reference to whatever you override. eg:

_sprite = sprite --save the sprite command before overwriting it

function sprite(image, x,y,w,h) -- your new version
  --your code to calculate aspect ratio based on height goes here
  _sprite(image,x,y,w,h) --draw the sprite

Good idea. Here’s my code. It works.

-- sprite(image, x, y, w, h)
-- usage: sprite("Documents:mySprite", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, nil, HEIGHT)
_sprite = sprite
function sprite(image, x, y, w, h)        
    if w == nil and h ~= nil then
        local sw, sh = spriteSize(image)
        _sprite(image, x, y, (sw / sh) * h, h)
    elseif w ~= nil and h == nil then
        local sw, sh = spriteSize(image)
        _sprite(image, x, y, w, (sh / sw) * w)
    elseif w == nil and h == nil then
        _sprite(image, x, y)
        _sprite(image, x, y, w, h)

But anyway, it should moved to low-level (framework api). :slight_smile:
It’s not a most important feature. But nice to have. In current version it works only when height is not set.