
.@Simeon Just deleted a spam discussion, you should ban the account that made it.

.@kn44c2y8i8 is new


Thanks @Jordan, those accounts are deleted.


Thanks @Jordan, it’s gone.

Whoa. They are back in hordes.

Thanks again @Jordan. Accounts gone. It’s hard to keep up with them.


Thanks @Jordan. Deleted.

Yeah seems like it, I’ve deleted hundreds in the last few days.

  • JuanZWU
  • LeighGage
  • violeta758
  • KristyHom
  • Brigida16
  • LeticiaBo
  • PeggyDelg
  • SylviaOUD
  • buccundt

…new spammer honey pot?

Can u make it where a new account must post 5 discussion questions and have valid member respond to the discussion?

I think the XDA forums were setup like that.

Just my 2 cents…

For my forum, the simplest solution worked best.

Simple equation captcha, 2+2=, then hook it into the php easy!

I’ve added some IP and email blacklists to the forums, I’m hoping that will stop the tide of spammers.

.@david19801 we should already have re-CAPTCHA and a simple equation on our sign up page! Does it not show up for you? Perhaps that’s why they seemed so ineffective.

Sow there are many spammers whyyy? what do you gain from spamming, NOTHING!!

.@CNCode, there is a money profit in it via ads…

.@Simeon I’ve just deleted two spam discussions. You should probably delete/block the accounts that posted them.

Thanks @Andrew_Stacey

new spammer => @twolivesleft98