Solving random math problems with random mathematical operators.

I’m working on a program that solves math problems using the four randomly generated numbers AND randomly generated math operators (x, /, +, -). The answer needs to be a calculated number, but so far the answer is an exact copy of the original math problem. For instance, if the math problem is: “10+5/8x2” the answer should be: “11.25” rather than: “10+5/8x2”. I can understand why it’s doing what it is doing, I just need it to insert the proper math operator in place of the text version. That’s the sticking point.

The intent of this program is to drill an elementary-school-aged nephew in basic math concepts by presenting a math problem to solve then displaying the answer once complete. This is a stripped-down version for simplicity.

Any advice, of course, is much appreciated. Thanks.

-- OrderOfOperation


function setup()
Solves a simple math problem while taking Order-Of-Operation rules into account.\
Touch screen for next problem.")

    -- Randomly generate four numbers and three operations: multiply, divide, add and subtract
    opTypeTbl = {" x "," / "," + "," - "}
    first     = math.random(1,10)
    op1       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    second    = math.random(1,10)
    op2       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    third     = math.random(1,10)
    op3       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    fourth    = math.random(1,10)    

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)

function Lab(first,op1,second,op2,third,op3,fourth)
-- Display Problem and Answer given four random numbers and three random operators.
    local first  = first 
    local op1    = op1 
    local second = second
    local op2    = op2 
    local third  = third  
    local op3    = op3 
    local fourth = fourth

    fill(255, 255, 255, 255)
    local p = "Problem:  "..first..op1..second..op2..third..op3..fourth
    text(p, WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2+100) -- Example problem: "10 + 5 / 8 x 2"
    local a = "Answer:  "..first..op1..second..op2..third..op3..fourth
                                  -- Answer: 11.25


function touched(t)
    -- Calls next problem:
    if t.state == ENDED then

@Scotty Hopefully this is what you’re looking for:

function setup()
    local problem = "10+5/8x2"
    problem = problem:gsub("x", "*")
    local answer = load("return " .. problem)()
    print(problem .. " = " .. answer)

Thank you, @Steppers .

That is exactly what I am looking for. However, there is some mystery in the line that has the “load” statement. I’ll have to study up on that and your use of gsub.

If you rerun the modified version you’ll see what my goal was. This will be blended into a more involved program.

Thanks again for the simple solution and the quick response.

-- Order Of Operation    New and Improved.


function setup()
Solves a simple math problem while taking Order-Of-Operation rules into account.")

    -- Randomly generate four numbers and three operations: multiply, divide, add and subtract
    opTypeTbl = {" x "," / "," + "," - "}
    first     = math.random(1,10)
    op1       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    second    = math.random(1,10)
    op2       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    third     = math.random(1,10)
    op3       = opTypeTbl[math.random(1,4)]
    fourth    = math.random(1,10)
    problemUser = first..op1..second..op2..third..op3..fourth -- This is what the user sees.
    problem = problemUser:gsub("x", "*") -- This is what the processor sees.
    answer = load("return " .. problem)() -- A bit of magic happend here.
    answer = string.format("%.2f",answer) -- Limited to 2 decimal places.

    -- Extra output just to illustrate what's going on 
    print("User sees:\
".. problemUser .. " = " .. answer)
    print("Processor sees:\
"..problem .. " = " .. answer)
    print("Notice how any multiplication signs are handled.")

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)


function Lab(problemUser,answer)
-- Display Problem and Answer
    local p = problemUser
    local a = answer

    fill(255, 255, 255, 255)
    p = "Problem = "..p
    text(p, WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2+50)
    a = "Answer = "..a
    text("Touch screen for next problem",WIDTH/2,100)


function touched(t)

    -- Calls next problem:
    if t.state == ENDED then


The load just takes the string provided, compiles it, and runs it as lua code. The “return” in the one provided makes the expression’s value come back as the result of the call to load.

@Steppers and @RonJeffries , I learn something new everyday. Thanks you.