Simple Dungeon

@Mark yes I’ll send it asap

@Mark maybe export a version from the current Codea just in case the new export is… worse

Updated with some play balance, music, controls, etc. Probably last time it gets more than a bug fix. (Touched up with some bug fixes)

Good job! I like it! And I will try to do something for the hero ?

I keep messing with this project whenever I play with Codea. It’s a really cool little game @Mark

@Mark I added a bomb action for the player and some other misc. stuff to my modified version of your game. Hope you like it :wink:

that’s nice! did you create those assets yourself? if so, may i please use them in my articles? if not, where did you get them, please?

@RonJeffries all the assets were free, I pieced them together from around the web. I think the shields came from So use freely…

super, thanks!

@Mark, @krdavis, those are both super cool!

Years ago I tweaked a little 3D tile demo by @Xavier to make an extremely simple maze game—I’ve attached a zip.

Do you think it could be modified to run your maps?

I think it would be super cool to evolve this thing that you guys have been doing such excellent collaboration on by taking it into 3D!

I hope you don’t mind, I’ve taken the first teeny step: making the auto-generated map save itself to a project tab as a table.

To make it easier to read on that tab, I had to change the tile types from strings to integers, which is a dicey trade-off but I think it’s worth it when I can look at a whole map on a project tab (iPad Pro, font size 14):

@UberGoober, that’s interesting, just keep the copyrights in place… thanks. I am trying to release it to the App Store as soon as @Simeon fixes the XCode export. I’ve changed and added even more since the version I posted here. Good luck with your experiments!

@krdavis, thanks for replying, sorry I didn’t tag you in my first post on this, I got the wrong guy I think.

I’ve corrected it now.

I promise won’t touch the copyrights, and of course if you ever want to incorporate any changes I make (as extremely unlikely as that is) I consider it your right to use any of my additional code as you see fit without condition or exception.

@UberGoober, cool, I will provide attribution if I use your code…