Script for searching all projects and tabs!

Since I couldn’t find a way to search for something in all my Codea projects at the same time, I made one myself!

I even tried to replicate Codea’s style so you feel right at home when using it!

Here’s the code in case GitHub isn’t working for some reason:

local function searchProjects()
    matches = {}
    for _, p in ipairs( listProjects( "documents" ) ) do
        for _, t in ipairs( listProjectTabs( p ) ) do
            local code = readProjectTab( p .. ":" .. t )
            local i = 1
            for l in string.gmatch( code, "([^\\r\

?" ) do
if string.find( l, Search, 1, true ) then
table.insert( matches, { project = p, tab = t, line = i, code = l } )
print( p, t, i, l )
i = i + 1
searched = true

local function drawSearch( y )
    fill( 65, 150, 190 )
    fontSize( 27 )
    local w, h = textSize( "Search(" )
    text( "Search(", 36, y )
    local w2, h2 = textSize( Search )
    fill( 255 )
    text( Search, 36 + w, y )
    if isKeyboardShowing() then
        fill( 0, 155, 225, 155 + math.sin( ElapsedTime * 6 ) * 100 )
        rect( 36 + w + w2, y, 3, h2 )
    fill( 65, 150, 190 )
    text( ")", 36 + w + w2, y )
    return y - h2

local function drawLabel( col, str, y )
    fill( col )
    fontSize( 17 )
    local _, h = textSize( str )
    text( str, 36, y )
    return y - h

local function drawLine( str, y )
    fill( 110 )
    fontSize( 11 )
    local w = textSize( str )
    text( str, 24 - w, y )

function setup()
    supportedOrientations( CurrentOrientation )
    displayMode( FULLSCREEN )
    parameter.text( "Search", "" )
    parameter.action( "Go", searchProjects )
    font( "Inconsolata" )
    textMode( CORNER )
    matches = {}
    searched = false
    scroll = HEIGHT - 33

function draw()
    background( 30, 32, 40 )
    fill( 20, 22, 30 )
    rect( 0, 0, 27, HEIGHT )
    local y = drawSearch( scroll )
    if searched then
        y = drawLabel( color( 220, 130, 120 ), #matches .. "_MATCHES", y )
        local prevTitle = ""
        for _, match in ipairs( matches ) do
            local title = "-- " .. match.project .. "/" .. .. ":"
            if title ~= prevTitle then
                y = drawLabel( color( 30, 160, 140 ), title, y )
            prevTitle = title
            drawLine( match.line, y )
            y = drawLabel( color( 225, 230, 245 ), match.code, y )

function touched( touch )
    if touch.state == BEGAN and touch.y > scroll - 16 then
        scroll = scroll + touch.deltaY

function keyboard( key )
    if key == "\

" then
elseif key == BACKSPACE then
Search = string.sub( Search, 1, -2 )
Search = Search … key

1 Like

@MPan1 Here’s a link to a program I wrote back in March 2013 that searches all projects. You had to create a table of projects manually because listProject wasn’t implemented yet. I eventually used a plist file to get the list of projects. You can see that I asked for that function to be added. I updated my program since then to use listProjects and made other improvements to it. One thing that can be done is to select a project from the matched list to view all the code of that project and then return back to the matched list to select another project to view. I have over 500 projects, so that’s why I created it back then.

Good job on yours.

EDIT: Yours doesn’t appear to use listProjects since that wasn’t around when you made it. Mine does though.

Possible Bug:I tried using:
for _, p in ipairs( listProjects( “documents” ) ) do
for _, t in ipairs( listProjectTabs( p ) ) do

But the listProjectTabs failed for on projects from the WebRepoLib as the tab names include a : in their name e.g. _dep_Documents:WebRepoLib

I get error:

Documents/SearchDisplay/Main.lua:11: Project “Codea+debugger+Step:_dep_Documents” not found
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘readProjectTab’
Documents/SearchDisplay/Main.lua:11: in function ‘setup’

It looks like it’s dropped off the “:WebRepoLib” tab name.

Any thoughts to resolve or is this a fundamental problem with listProjectTabs?

I tried renaming the tab, replacing the : with an _, and it got past that project. It would seem that the : is actually an invalid character, since if I try to rename the tab back to include the : I cannot close/accept the rename dialog.

That’s weird! If I don’t include “documents” in the listProjects call, and let it use the default collection, which is documents, then the calls to listProjectTabs call works ok!

Honestly, I’d try to avoid the listProjects & listProjectTabs calls and instead try to base your logic on the asset.documents.all list, filtering elements for ‘.codea’ project bundles. Then with each bundle, do the same with asset.documents[<project_here>].all filtering for ‘.lua’ files instead. You’d probably have better luck and avoid some crashes.