I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place for this post. If it isn’t feel free to delete it.
The work on Codea Community project shareing is going well. However there are a few features that would make it much more user friendly.
Note: Codea Community is a code shareing project that is currently in Alpa testing.
1 Access to current project name
Could we get a way to know the project name of the currently opened project? This would allow us to get the Info.plist from the current project. Currently Codea will place the project name in a newly created project in the form of:
– projName but there is no garentee that the user leaves this line of code in. Could the project name be stored as a global variable?
2 Access to clipboard
We are trying to allow users of Codea Community to copy a link that will open the linked project the next time codea community is ran. This is to facilitate code shareing on the forums. Could we get a function that returns the current contents of the clipboard and if so, could we have a way to clear it?
3 Create new project
Could we get a way to create a new project? This would allow users to download a project without having to have a previous project create.
Thank you,
Codea Community Team