Realistic Zombie Apocalypse! Community Input Needed!

@Mark, you handily beat it on the hardest setting?? And here i was, so proud of myself for just recently finally having beat the first level on easy…

Does this look good for a quest acceptance/log?

PicPaste: image-S5UFNCie.jpg

I did not do the Notebook, but it is availible for free on, link is:

Click this Link if the Pic isn’t visible or looks too blurry:

@CodeaNoob It looks fine. Are the quests randomly generated or have you decided to go with a set (no pun intended) set of objectives. Or am I getting way ahead of myself and you really don’t know at this phase of dev?

There’s going to be a set set of Story objectives, but there will be randomly spawning quests with random details

Got a Logo!

Dark Gem Studios

This one I made because I was bored

Send Help!

New Quest Journal Here


PicPaste: b9217776dd22c18bc181b77f91119dce.jpg

Second Alternate:

Game Description:

This is it. The world is gone. You and a small band of survivors fight the overwhelming numbers of undead while contending with unseen enemies: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep deprivation, and the Cold. This is a battle, one that the undead are almost sure to win…

If you think this is missing anything, feel free to say so!

EDIT I’m still looking for a name!

New image for the game!

Survival is Futile

Are you gonna make the game art yourself? Or is someone helping you?

I’m hoping to make a lot of it myself, but I’m looking through free internet resources to find some good art available under the CC license

Do you already know when you are gonna start the developing?

Name suggestion: Ripped

@Jessevanderheide, I’ve already started, just the art asset downloading is done, loading screen is iffy, and I’m working on the crafting system and Names

@SkyTheCoder, Good One! The only one I came up with is Night to dismember

Night to dismember! :)) Someone already used that for a film, there is a video on Youtube. I’ve removed the link as it embeds automatically and the video is labelled as “Viewer discretion advised”, so might be gory.

I wouldn’t like Ripped as the title. Since the game isn’t a horror game then it gives people the wrong impression. The title Ripped implies a scary and gory game which would turn people away as more people wouldn’t want that then people who would.

This game is more, suspense then gore, sure there are zombies, but the biggest aspect is survival. Heck, you could take out the zombies and just have survival, but I personally like zombies in games

Whenever I think of “Ripped” (which I meant as ripped apart) my first thought is muscles… :confused:

Maybe Ragged?



How about Drawn are the Dead?

Maybe “hordes of the dark”
“zombie survival”

Those are the only Names i can think of…