Project issues

Should I?

Try it and see if that fixes your problem.

Ok obviously I should BC that worked… Thank you sooooo solo much you guys are the best!!!

Can someone make an example video tutorial for iAds integrated in codea Xcode projects

I was just wondering… Could I make a messaging app completely from lua. Is it able to do that?

You need a website to receive and hold the messages, and your app will need to keep requesting updates from the website, ie it will be a “pull” not a “push” app.

I think @SkyTheCoder was involved in a Codea chat forum app a while back, try searching the forum for it anyway

Here’s the link:

Also is there a good tutorial for implementing iAd… I can get iAd to show on the simulator when it’s alone on a blank document but when I try it with an exported codea project it never shows up. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks

iAd is so confusing to me, can anyone provide code for projects with iAd in them from codea? I can never seem to make my project run iAd.

Hello I was wondering how to move physic bodies (ellipse). Every time I try to effect its location using gravity it won’t move.

@bhob12, please post your code showing the problem so we can try and help.

@bhob12 gravity on a normal physics body will cause it to fall towards the bottom of the screen. If you want to move it in other directions, set “gravityScale” to 0 and then use “linearVelocity” to move it around the screen. See the built in documentation for their uses.

Thx so much for your help!!!

How does an application save something? So highscore as a variable say. I want it so every time the person closes the app the high score won’t reset but stay like it should.

look at the Storage section of the Reference link above.