I am currently working on a project that adds support for game controllers through Objective-C. I am trying to get haptics working, and I’ve almost done it. However, whenever I try to call the function:
engine:createPlayerWithPattern_error_(pattern, err)
The variable that I assign the new pattern player to is nil, which shouldn’t happen. If you need a bit more context, I suggest you go to this link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corehaptics?language=objc and read CHHapticEngine, CHHapticEvent, CHHapticPattern and CHHapticPatternPlayer. Anyway, I’m using an instance of CHHapticEngine that was created from this line of code:
I’ve also checked that the method is spelled right too, so it’s definitely not a spelling mistake. If someone could attempt to help me figure out this mess, I would very greatly appreciate it!
Hi @Creator27,
It wasn’t easy, but here’s a sample that makes my PS5 controller vibrate. Hopefully, this should unblock you 
function setup()
--- haptics: objc.GCDeviceHaptics
if objc.GCController.current then
haptics = objc.GCController.current.haptics
engine = haptics:createEngineWithLocality_("Default")
--- CHHapticEventParameter: objc.CHHapticEventParameter
CHHapticEventParameter = objc.CHHapticEventParameter
intensity = CHHapticEventParameter:alloc():initWithParameterID_value_("HapticIntensity", 1.0)
sharpness = CHHapticEventParameter:alloc():initWithParameterID_value_("HapticSharpness", 1.0)
parameters = { intensity, sharpness }
--- CHHapticEvent: objc.CHHapticEvent
CHHapticEvent = objc.CHHapticEvent
event = CHHapticEvent:alloc():initWithEventType_parameters_relativeTime_("HapticTransient", parameters, 0.0)
--- CHHapticPattern: objc.CHHapticPattern
CHHapticPattern = objc.CHHapticPattern
pattern = CHHapticPattern:alloc():initWithEvents_parameters_error_({event}, {}, nil)
--- engine: objc.CHHapticEngine
--- player: objc.PatternPlayer
player = engine:createPlayerWithPattern_error_(pattern, nil)
player:startAtTime_error_(0.0, nil)
print("objc.GCController.current is nil, make sure controller is connected and try again.")
function draw()
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@jfperusse thank you so much for your contribution! I’ve been waiting nearly two weeks for someone to reply and you really delivered so thank you!
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