Nix Card Game for iOS

It doesn’t look like much yet, but I’m steadily working on an iOS version of a card game I designed called Nix. It’s a variant of Spit if you’re familiar with that. Wanted to show something here to keep myself motivated, though I’m farther along with this more than anything else I’ve written. Really pleased how this is coming along :slightly_smiling_face:

Looks nice, keep up the good work.

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@mindless - never heard of a card game called Spit, looked it up and played a browser version. Looks interesting - have you made any changes to the game-play ? Nice graphics

Please post you progress and any vids you make. Also, how does Nix differ from Spit ?

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No videos or anything yet. A friend taught me how to play Spit around 25 years ago, but I learned later she didn’t really know the rules :grin: So Nix is based on her version of Spit. She used a standard deck of poker cards with no special cards. Nix has 4 sets of ten number cards and two special cards, Wild and Pause (48 cards total). Pause cards temporarily prevent the other player from playing cards on a center pile. Wild cards can be played on any card by either player, including Pause cards. If you play all your stack cards (the cards in four columns in front of you) first, you win the round, and if you get rid of all your cards, you win the game.

I have 50 physical decks of cards printed up, and I’m making the packaging and instructions myself. This app is meant to be a bonus for those who purchase the physical game, and can also be used as a way to learn to play that’s faster than reading the rules snd more interactive than a video. I will definitely include printed instructions and will likely have a how to play video, too.