My Codea Suggestions Page

Alright- I’m redoing the conversation to make it clearer. It’s under development.

The best threads are the ones that veer wildly off-topic.

@Bortels has a point. A good one too. I even changed the name of the post for you.

I redid everything in the main discussion. Reread it and please give feedback.


Ah… What do you think then…

Next idea is going to be helpful a lot in large chunks of code:
17. Be able to tap and hold on the right edge of the screen to scroll down the text just like in pages. Sometimes code I go from Spritely are extremely long.

How did I miss this one:
18. Add the ability to search your code.
19. Use AirPrint to print your code. Ask the user if they want the text to be color coded or to be just black text.

I do feel like I am talking to myself…

 I do feel like I am talking to myself...

Mr. Zoyt. No worries. In one way or another we all are. One of my personal gods (named, oddly enough, Blanchot) referred to it as The Infinite Conversation.

You are a good host and this is a good discussion thread.

Missing this feature drives me crazy:
20. Add the variables below

spriteSize(sprite or variable)
spriteSizewScale(sprite or variable)

They all will return a string or number of the answer.

The reason for the lack of comments is there are already so many great ideas for improvement, many from you.

TwoLivesLeft provides far more free additional features quicker than most apps.

It’s not uncommon to have many more ideas than time. In fact we’ve had the issue at work for years (and other places I’ve been as well).

TwoLivesLeft can proceed however they wish, but, as users we can help a bit by organizing and prioritizing the outstanding requests.

Your list is much better than most people would have done.

Does this forum have any polling capability?

Someone could organize the request into categories (possibly in the wiki) We could vote on the most popular categories and also on the most popular single item even if they are within of a category. Then revote from time to time. That would ensure that people understand where their ideas fit on the path somewhat. Knowing TwoLivesLeft general opinions may help as well. We have to remember at this point we are getting a free ride of sorts.

That’s a good idea. For the heck of it, I migh set up a Polldaddy poll with all the wanted features for everyone to vote on. I do wish that Two Lives Left would tell us where they’re going with the update like App cookery does.

Actually outside of the posted plan, they pepper the forums with “I like this or that”

Sometimes when you go to code something it turns out to bring up more questions that need considered. Also things take time to test, we’ve only seen the most minor slips get though their cycle.

Lots of suggestions are good, IMHO - if we have a robust list of what we want, and we all talk about how awesome it might be (or how boring, or what a horrible idea), that gives twolivesleft the info they need to plan future features - if they are going to add GPS positioning (just an example), and nobody cares… maybe they move onto something EVERYONE WANTS - like sockets. (M00HAHAHAHAHaaaa…)

As someone who often replies to their own posts - it’s perfectly ok. :slight_smile:

Regarding 20., some of those features are in there and the rest are coming.

To query state, just call the state-setting function without arguments, e.g.

currentRectMode = rectMode()

currentDisplayMode = displayMode()

Currently this works for displayMode, backingMode, rectMode, spriteMode, ellipseMode. We’ll be adding it for fill, stroke, strokeWidth, lineCapMode and tint. The transform will be query-able through a currentMatrix() function when we introduce a Matrix class.

“… when we introduce a Matrix class”. AIEEEEE!!!

That was a good aiee. Not just for 2D/3D transforms - Matrices are useful for plenty of things.

Me Want.

But I thought tables were the “be-all, end-all” for lua. (But I do prefer real matrices.)


Don’t get too excited @Bortels. Just when I thought about how much I would use sockets, I decided to change it to item 6 instead of 16.

I want sockets so bad I can taste it - but I am also a realist. If you think .codea scared Apple, wait until they get sockets in their sights. It’s all rather silly - javascript in mobile safari can do far more - but anything that does I/O with the real world is gonna spook them, justified or not, and I think we’re better off without spooking Apple more than we have to.

The thing with Matrices and Matrix math is this - they’re deeply handy for a lot of high end effects (like the transforms we’ve talked about - Imagine being able to take a giant sequence of transform/scale/rotate and stuff we can’t easily do like skew, and fold them all into a SINGLE command), and they’ll be much faster implemented natively than if they’re done in straight Lua - and there is ZERO chance Apple will care, because it’s just math. So - it’s easy to say put it in, it’s not going to affect the appeals process.