My Codea Suggestions Page

I think Objective C is an acquired taste. :slight_smile:

I agree. It’s not instantly likeable like Python or Lua, but you appreciate it the more you use it. C is nice too, but I dislike C++ passionately after being very, very involved with template metaprogramming, boost and adobe GIL.

Heh - the STL left me scarred. And I find Objective C really wordy. (I did a Quartz Composer plugin for a photo booth project I was working on).

I’ve been having fun with node.js, but - javascript. Sigh. javascript.

Lua works. It’s kinda nice to use something lightweight - perl (and python, and ruby) get bogged down with library hell.

My favorite languages are LiveCode, Lua, apple script, and Basic. Those are quite easy languages.

Hah, i only know lua, because of codea :slight_smile: i Love it! (in combination with codea, without codea i get Problems, ive tried it out in another app - horrible :smiley: )
And i know how to write makros in windows 7 powerpoint, wie die that in school. I tried to convince my teacher let us programm a game in lua - she thinks about it :slight_smile:
If she agrees i will recommend codea to learn lua - lots of my friends own an ipad :wink:

@Simeon was once thinking about selling Codea in bulk. Just like you @Maxiking16 , I learned Lua because of Codea. I picked it up was was already programming Cups with no background experience. I’m working in a graphing calculator right now. I’m still in middle school and my computers class is extreme easy. We do no programming. Only learning how to use and such.
And we only learn 1/4 of the app. Anyways, I have a Mac so I can’t run it. Anyways, of Codea was pulled from the app store. I would consider my iPad boring now.

@Zoyt if it got pulled (which is unlikely) you are able to keep the app. Apple don’t force you remove it, thankfully.

Yes, I know but I still want updates.

So since we drifted to languages … What do peeps think of “Go”?

And yes, I would pay for Godea if created :slight_smile:

I wasn’t happy with it; to be fair, it’s REALLY new, and when I looked at it it had some issues that are no doubt either solved now, or will be - “Hello World”, just text mode, was insanely huge, because the only way to link was static, and it included everything.

I didn’t see it as solving a problem, frankly. Google likes to design it’s own languages (Ahem, DART) just because it can. But I saw nothing compelling with Go, and it has a HEINOUSLY UNSEARCHABLE name - you’d think Google would be savvy about introducing a new language that their own search engine was incapable of finding info on. (“golang” seems to be the tag people use to fix that…)

I’m a big perl guy - have been for years. I use it for my real work a ton. I like it. But - perl has issues (notably, CPAN is both a blessing and a curse).

I’ve been experimenting with Lua (of course!), ruby, and javascript (eek) with node.js (which I really like).

My favorite language is still English. First one I ever learned, too. I started using it at a very young age. It has crazy syntax, and a code snippet can mean many different things, depending on context. Not sure why I am so partial to it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m partial to the southern east coast beach US build of that. The rich crosssection of syntax as
in “y’all dewds” is unmatched elsewhere. I still use the pure southern build for obfuscation as in “a couple three” which loosely translates into a few or some.




Four o'clock in the afternoon, the time when you begin broiling things for dinner.

@jlslate I must say that English is my favorite language too!

I’m not a programmer but occasionally, more out of curiosity and dilettantism than anything else, I’ve dabbled with (in historical order): hypercard, scheme, smalltalk, quartz composer, and now lua.

I like the idea of graphic programming languages. I’m currently fooling around with a Codea made interpreter for programming with colors rather than words…

(A way of making friends with image.get() and image.set())

Hm, i like German best. Its the First One ive learned :wink:

I started coding with Ectended BASIC on a TI 99/4, moved to assembly, UCSD Pascal, and then spent a decade working variants of Pascal and C. Wrote Mac programs in 1984 in C, and i can tell you that while it was a blast, i do not miss the pointers, handles, pointers to pointers, pointers to handles, etc.

Turbo Pascal and its follow on, Delphi, took me through a decade of PC programming, with an interlude of VB (you have to make a living), then moved to Java when the web paradigm came on strong. Never did any perl. Have done some Ruby, and in the past a little Forth and even Prolog.

@jlslate - You might try LiveCode. I love it. My first language was Spanish.

Turbo pascal (3.0) rocked. It rocks to this day. I wrote my first “significant” code in turbo pascal.

I want turbopascaldea!

Maybe we can convince Philippe Kahn to come out of retirement and Yacht racing to help bring back his anchor product! Back to the future, as it were.

Wow… We are off topic. But the closest thing to “languagea” would be Textastic (my favorite code editor). It even supports LiveCode. You can also create your own syntax and ask for one. That’s what I use for some things.