Mine Field [version 1.0.1 ALPHA]


I need some testers, to find my mistakes, bugs, etc.

The Game Rules will be added on a page in the next version. Currently it’s a small overview. Saving Achievments and everything like that already possible. Playing games, buying items possible, too, and will already be saved to your local storage.

Please rate my game, show my mistakes, suggest and enjoy!


Game Rules

  • Once you click a bomb - you lose
  • The first click is save from bombs.
  • Numbers show how many bombs around are. (Minimum: 0, Maximum: 8)
  • The point of the game is to not click the bomb and open all blocks.
  • You can flag the bombs by holding for some time on the block. Once a flag appeared, you can release your fingers
  • Remove flags by the same principe as listed above

Please also suggest a good formation for the rules

When the Medium level is selected, there’s an EXIT button in the upper left of the screen that doesn’t do anything. Also, when playing the Medium level, it’s hard to see when the flag shows and several times the game ended because I selected a bomb instead of a flag.

First of all, CONGRATS! It’s a awesome game! 1. First that comes to mind would be the title “Mine field” looks blurry. I think you meant to do that but as it’s the first thing someone will see I think it should look neater. 2. I would suggest don’t be able to move the bottom options it just isn’t fun when your finger slips and it moves to a bad position. 3. All of what dave1707 says. 4. All around it’s a great game! Nice home screen! Pretty good graphics! And also are you gonna put it in the AppStore? I definitely think WITH A LITTLE WORK would make a good game on the world wide AppStore! Good luck

As for putting it on the App Store, I stopped counting at 100 minesweeper games there already. It would need a LOT OF WORK to make it stand out with what’s there already.

I see your point still though it would be a cool example for people that are thinking about getting Codea. Just a thought if…if someone already has a Devon account.

Dav* not Devon

Yes, Minesweeper is a classic game and there must be hundreds of clones not just on iOS, but Java or flash web pages too.

You would have to make it strikingly different and more interesting, to get people to bother downloading it. My first thought would be to program to Codea’s strengths, which are animation and 3D. For example, showing the number of mines as hills instead of numbers, or animating something, or making the rules different.



In Dev Version:

  • Now showing small rect in the middle top or bottom, where you can see if it will place a flag or remove a flag. (Like Alert-Banner)
  • Decreased fields amount of blocks for Medium and Hard (Also made blocks size bigger
  • Fixed bug where exit button on the top left was not working
  • Increased maximal level to 20
  • Removed unlimited scrolling for Achievment (Y) and Shop (X). Now limiting by an auto-formula
  • Fixed typo in Lobby “Not supportd in this version”

If you find anything else be free to report!

Is @simeon putting games from the forum to the example list?

Asking because of

I see your point still though it would be a cool example for people that are thinking about getting Codea. Just a thought if…if someone already has a Dav account.

Is there a easier way to get the code into Codea? I saw a post where you like copy and paste a small code and then put the url to the code you want a it downloads it for you, is that real? Anyways it’s hard to copy and paste all dat CODE! Thanks for the update though


Wow, Thanks so much!!!

btw. Sprite assets - How to import them into the project?

I asseted them with this post

Also here’s a suggestion On the home page Default tab it says “Reach level 5 to unlock” when you slide it to the left the “Reach level 5 to unlock” doesn’t move as smoothly with it. Great work tho

Sprite assets:


Pic 1 - 3 Lines power up
Pic 2 - Second Chance
Pic 3 - Default Image. Appears usually with the “No Image asseted” text.

Also here’s a suggestion On the home page Default tab it says “Reach level 5 to unlock” when you slide it to the left the “Reach level 5 to unlock” doesn’t move as smoothly with it.

You shall not be able to move left, I was sure I have removed the ability to scroll to the unlimited. Maybe a bug

Why is that thing where you put the url and the small chunk of code and it gives you the whole code the main way we share code? It’s so easy

Try, to understand, this:

function draw()
saveProjectTab("Main", [[
-- Comment

function setup()
    print("Hello World!")


This is working. I tried myself. Use this to get version 1.0.1a

-- Test

local url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TokOut/InOneClass/master/MineField/version-1-0-1-alpha"

function success(data)
    saveProjectTab("Main", data)

function fail(error)
    print("Can't connect to given URL")

http.request(url, success, fail)