Losing code, Editor quirks

@brianolive - I have had a few recent crashes, one of them involved a massive texture which I tried to build - I think it was 512 x 48 x 512 x 48. What memory intensive routines/command are you using? Also are you cleaning up with collectgarbage() ?
The other incident occurred after running some file/text handling the starting another project and pasting copied code straight into draw - on running Codea crashed but reset after closing Codea manually (reported on March 17) in Codea 3.1.1 (280) thread.

Oh, the other issue with wrong project opening after a closure has been reported. It seems to be down to project shuffling after project closure - when the latest project run house to the top of the pile - all others shuffle down and you run one of the ones next to the one you was targeting. You can often see the shuffling of project icons.

Thanks for all the details. That 7mb Data.plist file is an interesting point. I’ll try reproduce