Log4Codea: A simple framework to log to file and project tab

Hi Codeans,

As my game is maturing and I have many classes and it is all getting hideously complex, I have found that debugging via print statements to the console is getting pretty tough, they get truncated sometimes etc…

I have therefore written a simple logging framework to generate a log file which can then be ‘flushed’ to a tab in the project…

Here is the class:

-- Log4Codea: Simon Brooke 2014
Log4Codea = class()

Log4Codea.INFO ="__2_INFO" 
Log4Codea.WARN ="__3_WARN" 

Log4Codea.InfoLevels = {
    [Log4Codea.INFO] ="INFO ", 
    [Log4Codea.WARN]="WARN ", 

function Log4Codea:init(file, level)

    assert(file, "No file specified")
    self.level = level or Log4Codea.DEBUG
    assert(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[self.level], "Log4Codea:init: Invalid level: "..self.level)
    self.file = os.getenv("HOME").."/Documents/"..file
    self.shortName = file
    self.fileHandle = io.open(self.file, "a+")

function Log4Codea:setLevel(level)

    assert(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level], "Log4Codea:setLevel: Invalid level: "..tostring(level))
    self.level = level

function Log4Codea:prepareLog()
    local handle = io.open(self.file, "w")
    assert(handle, "Log4Codea: Unable to open file: "..self.file)
    handle:write("-- Log4Codea: Date: "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d").."..\\r\

function Log4Codea:log(...)
    -- Check last argument of arg (variable arguments) for level
    local level = Log4Codea.DEBUG
    if(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[arg[arg.n]]) then
        level = arg[arg.n]
        arg[arg.n] = nil
        arg.n = arg.n - 1
    if(level >= self.level) then
        if(__oldprint) then __oldprint(unpack(arg)) end
        -- Create log line, date etc.
        local line = ""..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." "..Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level]..": "
        for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
            line = line .. tostring(v).." "

function Log4Codea:logStack(...)
    local level = Log4Codea.DEBUG
    if(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[arg[arg.n]]) then
        level = arg[arg.n]
        arg[arg.n] = nil
        arg.n = arg.n - 1
    if(level >= self.level) then
        if(__oldprint) then __oldprint(value) end
        -- Create log line, date etc.
        local line = ""..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." "..Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level]..": "
        for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
            line = line .. tostring(v).." "
        line = line .."\\r\

function Log4Codea:write(value)

function Log4Codea:read()
    local buf = { "--[[\\r\
" }
    for line in io.lines(self.file) do
        table.insert(buf, line)
    return table.concat(buf).."\\r\

function Log4Codea:flush()
    saveProjectTab(self.shortName, self:read())

Basically you create a Log4Codea object, then call the log() method, e.g. in Main…

function setup()
    -- Logging
    _logger = Log4Codea("game.log")

The default logger level is Log4Codea.DEBUG, you can pass a different level to the constructor (see class code above)…

Then you can do things like:

_logger:log("My variable values", a, b, c)
_logger:log("My whotsit values", x, y, z, Log4Codea.INFO)

The :log() method takes variable arguments (…) and detects if the last argument is a Log4Codea log level, if it is then it applies that level, otherwise it logs at debug level.

At the end you MUST execute _logger:flush() in the console to close the file and display the log file in a project tab for inspection….

Each time the logger is created, the previous log gets overwritten unless you specify a different name…

Example output:


-- Log4Codea: Date: 2014-01-15..
10:10:50 INFO : math.randomseed: 1.38978e+09
10:11:01 DEBUG: MapView:init(2)
10:11:02 DEBUG: DebugTimer:create: water
10:11:02 DEBUG: shaderVal 0.488922
10:11:07 DEBUG: DebugTimer:report: water 5.61683
10:11:07 DEBUG: DebugTimer:create: water


Now, I hear you say, that’s all very well Mr Brookesi, but I have hundreds of print() statements and I can’t be bothered to replace them all with this newfangled loggery trickery. Never fear gentle user, if you actually instantiate the logger thusly:

function setup()
    -- Logging
    _logger = Log4Codea("game.log", Log4Codea.INFO)
    print = function(...) _logger:log(...) end

Then magically every print statement writes to your log file instead, and you can just pick and choose certain print statements and add a log level, e.g.:

print("I'm a happy print statement", Log4Codea.INFO)

So instantiating the logger as e.g. INFO would initially hide all your print() statements, and you can selectively turn them on…

Note: If you DO override print, and you assign it to the function ‘__oldprint’, then this is detected in the framework and it will still log to the console if the log level allows it. This allows for the fact that you will want to quickly check the console during runtime, but still have the opportunity to view the same data in the logfile later…

You can also do :logStack(message, [log level]) to get a stacktrace, it uses debug.traceback under the covers…

I’m sure it can be improved, but its working well for me!

You can of course instantiate multiple loggers if you want to split logging into ‘streams’…

And theoretically you could ship this with your app and have a ‘send’ function that posts the file via http or something if users had problems…


Excellent utility! Definitely something needed for robust debugging!

Thanks for sharing this, it will definitely be useful. I can already see several things new to me from the code, such as file i/o and (I think) determining the user’s home directory. It’s teaching us, too!

Would be good to see this go up on Codea Community.

Many thanks…

I have however found a bug…the line has a problem:

local line = ""..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." "..Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level]..": "..
            table.concat(arg, " ")

If you pass a userdata (and probably a table) into your print() or :log() then it appears table.concat will fail, probably doesn’t do a tostring()…

Have a fix, will update main code snippet at top of thread…


OK, code updated with:

for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
            line = line .. tostring(v).." "

Think that should bulletproof it!

@brookesi Great logger class, much better then my old one that I’ve been using. Thank you.

@brookesi Need to change logStack to accept variable args.

function Log4Codea:logStack(...)

I’ve added in the ability to send an email with the log if any ERRORs were thrown in the previous run. Could be very handy when you share a project and another user has an issue.

@Briarfox Thank you, yes, currently logStack() won’t work, I will refactor and update when tested…


This has been fixed now and code updated in initial post, logStack() now prints something to the log like:

11:36:13 DEBUG: featureGenerator:  16.5287 
11:36:21 DEBUG: Opponent base 2 22 16 
11:36:21 INFO : AbsSubT type: type = "6"
11:36:30 DEBUG: METP:init table: 0x25cb4890 
    stack traceback:
    	[string "Log4Codea = class()..."]:75: in function 'logStack'
    	[string "MapEntities = {}..."]:316: in function 'init'
    	[string "-- Class.lua..."]:24: in function 'TroopPath'
    	[string "MapController = class()..."]:322: in function 'selectedTroopAction'
    	[string "MapController = class()..."]:176: in function <[string "MapController = class()..."]:176>
    	(tail call): ?
11:36:30 DEBUG: ME mani (225.000000, 93.000000, 225.000000, 109.000000) 
11:36:31 DEBUG: ME adj tk 1 

Thanks @Briarfox, good spot…


just want to bump this for anyone trying to get it working, you need to add

local arg = {...}

in the log() and logStack() methods, or else it’ll fail.

Also, I wanted to add that it didn’t make sense to me that I would want to call flush() all the time in order to see my log, esp. if I’m assigning print() to the way it was described above. I’d have to flush, and then re-open the file handlle. I’m not sure what the intent was with that design, to be honest. perhaps if I’d paid apple $100 for their dev license fee so i could look at the files generated by codea… Peersonally, I’d want to see the updated log whenever I switch back to the IDE and am looking at my code. So, instead of clearing the old log every time you run your program, it just appends it now, and everytime you call “log()” or "logStack() it appends the log file, and also writes it to the project tab. It’s easy for the log file to get massive, so clear out the contents via
io.open(log.file, “w”) occasionally.

function Log4Codea:prepareLog()
--    local handle = io.open(self.file, "w")
    local handle = io.open(self.file, "a+")
    assert(handle, "Log4Codea: Unable to open file: "..self.file)

    handle:write("-- Log4Codea: Date: "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d").."..\\r\

function Log4Codea:log(...)

    -- Check last argument of arg (variable arguments) for level
    local level = Log4Codea.DEBUG
    local arg = {...}
    if(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[arg[arg.n]]) then
        level = arg[arg.n]
        arg[arg.n] = nil
        arg.n = arg.n - 1
    if(level >= self.level) then
        if(__oldprint) then __oldprint(unpack(arg)) end
        -- Create log line, date etc.
        local line = ""..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." "..Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level]..": "
        for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
            line = line .. tostring(v).." "
        saveProjectTab(self.shortName, self:read())

function Log4Codea:logStack(...)
    local level = Log4Codea.DEBUG
    if(Log4Codea.InfoLevels[arg[arg.n]]) then
        level = arg[arg.n]
        arg[arg.n] = nil
        arg.n = arg.n - 1
    if(level >= self.level) then
        if(__oldprint) then __oldprint(value) end
        -- Create log line, date etc.
        local line = ""..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." "..Log4Codea.InfoLevels[level]..": "
        for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
            line = line .. tostring(v).." "
        line = line .."\\r\
        --make sure self.fileHandle exists
        saveProjectTab(self.shortName, self:read())

Hi @matkatmusic,

Thanks for the fixes for args…

Thanks also for the input on the log and tab…I can understand not being sure what the intent was!

The problem was our game had got so large, that the log files did as you say get very large very quickly, so I generally wanted to disable the logger, test up to a certain point, switch on the logger then flush from the console,
