ipad speeds

-- Infinite Loop 1 with print :

-- in 30 seconds :
-- iPad Air : 1780
-- Ti 83 Premium CE : 2020
-- Ti 84 Plus C Edition : 1358

function setup()

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)
    i = i + 1

-- Infinite Loop 2 with text :

-- in 30 seconds ( loop numbers ? ) :

-- iPad Air : FontSize(6 à 100):1770, FontSize(200):1670, FontSize(300):870, FontSize(400):570
-- Ti 83 Premium CE : 2020 (BASIC)
-- Ti 84 Plus C Edition : 1358 (BASIC)

function setup()
    fill(245, 255, 0, 255)

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)
    i = i + 1

We notice that ipad air ios 8 and 128 GB draws text or print 1770 times in 30 seconds ( with fontsize between 6 and 100 ) thus less rapidly than ti recent calculator ( 2020 times with BASIC programmation not assembler ) with very small cpu and gpu. Why ? @RonJeffries, please can you give me the results of ipad pro.
it appears 6 times faster yet with a large surface and thanks for sharing your data

For Information : Ti 83 Premium CE : Zilog eZ80 at 15 MHz, User RAM 150 ko , Flash Memory 3 Mo Ti BASIC

Perhaps ti calculator draws more than 60 fps and the solution would be to dispense with draw() function but how ?

lol, it’s very simple, @hpsoft

Codea redraws the screen 60 times a second, so in 30 seconds, it redraws it 30*60 = 1800 times.

There’s no point redrawing the screen any faster because our eye cannot process changes faster than that.

And the print command is not meant to be fast. It is used for debugging.

Yes it’s logic. I based on the site : https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15885&p=175931

and more particularly the end of the video

I think ti 83 draws fps 2020 / 30 = 68 FPS, it’s strange

if I want to give the impression that the meter goes faster, i replace
i=i+1 by i=i+5 + math.random(20)

Codea draws 60x per second with all iPads and all iPhones, so there is no point asking what the Pro does.

ok codea limit at 60fps for all device
so it will not display more than 1800 frames for 30s

but when i make a loop for exemple 1 to 1.000.000
I want to see where the counter, how can i see it ?

i think i must use tween functions

you can do this

local t=os.time()
for i=1,1000000 do
   --do something
print("Time in seconds = ",os.time()-t)

ok i see thanks
all the long calculus in setup at the beginning of the class, never in draw()
