I’m assuming that you guys are holding off to make sure Codea runs well on the new software before releasing the next version? Here are some bugs I have found so far:
in iOS 8 the keyboard shortcut popups appear in wrong positions (the things that show up when you hold the “” button for example)
in OS X 10.10 Safari, Command + R does not reload Air Code, it just reloads the page
Air Code won’t open projects with an accent (é for example) in the name - this may have been an issue already, I haven’t used Air Code with one before.
Codea seems to crash more often in iOS 8, though that may not be Codea’s issue as other apps are crashy as well
All of the popups (ex: when you hold on a project) have changed to green and now appear sideways?
The New Project popup, create button is too far right
That’s all I’ve seen so far, will try and update this as new betas come out or I find new things.