Help please:. I pay $ 10 for the base game “alchemy.” The base consists of the connections of the possible elements for the new (pictures, screenshots). Also, that was the menu, search for items and menu items. Thank you very much for the support of $ 10 - it’s a small gift for your labors.
Are you asking someone to write a program for you, for $10?
If not, could you please try to explain again?
I would like to ask for help for the beginning of the program, and for that I pay $ 10.
So you’re asking someone to work for $1 per hour or less? That is a very small “gift” indeed! A fairer price would be $500-1,000, I think.
Good luck finding someone!
well, I agree on the $ 500, but not now.
After a bit of private messaging, I understand that iceman is looking for someone to help him get started programming a game, and is prepared to pay a negotiable amount or share of proceeds for that.
He is Russian and finding it difficult to learn Codea.
Thank you for what you understand my English. I just started to study it and untried strictly for my mistakes.