I found an easy way to access the folder inside a Codea project on iPad

Need an app Working Copy and your iCloud/local storage: my iPad

  1. Create a folder in your iCloud/local storage: my iPad, named myCodeaRepo
  2. Copy your Codea project into the folder myCodeaRepo
  3. Open the app Working Copy, click the + , Setup synced directory, and select the iCloud folder myCodeaRepo
  4. Then you will find your Codea project will be handled as a normal folder, and your can easily access everything in it.
  5. After editing, commit it, then you can use your Codea to open it.
  6. Any projects in your Codea you can put them into this folder, 3 benefits:
  • Reduce the body of your Codea, it will not need to check all the projects inside itself every startup time, maybe it will start more quickly and be more stable :slight_smile: ;
  • You can get full version management, etc. rollback to any point you want;
  • Your project files won’t lost suddenlly.

Now we can edit glsl file on iPad, and this folder is outside Codea, so if it has any error it won’t destrory the stale of Codea.

Yes, it can be used in this sample Shader Toy sample


Here is a new sample from shadertoy

Shaders 4 - Shader Toy 3.zip (32.2 KB)

the video