How To Add Post Processing??

In my game, I want to add some post processing to make the game look miles better, particularly chromatic aberration and vignette. Is there anyway that I can add these two effects to my game?

Here’s the post processing that I already have in my game:

cameraComponent =
    cameraComponent.hdr = true
    cameraComponent.colorTextureEnabled = true
    bloom = craft.bloomEffect()
    bloom.threshold = 1.5
    bloom.intensity = 1.2
    bloom.softThreshold = 0.4
    bloom.iterations = 8

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I love the bloom effect.

It looks like Craft’s only offering three post-effects so far:

    pb = craft.bloomEffect()
    pd = craft.depthOfFieldEffect()
    ps = craft.selectionEffect()

I have tried the depthOfFieldEffect, it will make the scene being very slow.

Original , bloomEffect and depthOfFieldEffect