How old were you when to learned to program, and what language?

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@SkyTheCoder Is that a reference to a Old Spice commercial?


Look at your post.

Now look at me.

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An “edit” button has appeared to the right of the post date.

Press the edit button.

Now edit the first message instead of posting two more comments.

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Since when has the forums become a gaming forums? Just kidding. I’m not getting any of these references, because I don’t play games…

@Zoyt Old spice is a deodorant, they made really funny ads.

And go to here to see what Minecraft is.

@SkyTheCoder - Haha. I know what MineCraft is. I don’t live under a boulder, just a rock. I also don’t have a TV, so I don’t get any of the ad references. LOL.

@Zoyt How do you survive without TV?!?!?!

@SkyTheCoder - Haha. I have Amazon Prime, but I don’t use it too much anymore.

Our generation is literally becoming addicted to Electronics!

@SkyTheCoder I could probably live without a tv also, The only show I really watch is abc’s castle, which is only one once a week.

@Prynok It’s all on YouTube now… Sometimes I go a week without using the TV, but I like to watch Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network.

And sometimes I watch HGTV with my mom and make fun of the princesses that want granite countertops.

@SkyTheCoder Sometimes I watch HGTV too, somehow they make finding a house fun.


Better get back on topic now, though…

Trs 80 iii, basic. 1978 when I was about 15. Wish I’d have pursued it. Now I’m in gaming, but the other kind…casinos.

@Marksolberg that was a bit of a gamble I imagine :wink: