Help me creating an ipad app, please. Thanks!

Hello friends!
I have 2 warnings when compiling:

Images.xcassets: The app icon set “AppIcon” has an unassigned image.
Images.xcassets: LaunchImage.launchimage/Default.png is 320x480 but should be 640x960.

They don’t prevent me from testing the app on the simulators on on my iPad.
So should i correct them before submitting the app?
If yes, what should i do?

@Jmv38 For the first warning I found this:
as well as this:

@matthew thanks, i’ll try that.
They are warnings, not errors: do you think my app will be rejected if i dont correct this?

When I assign all the Icons to their respective devices, I always end up with one extra, and get that warning. It’s fine.

Never gotten the second error before.

@Crumble thanks.
@Simeon i get these warnings with the standard export (didnt change anything). What do you think?

@Jmv38 The second error is telling you that one of the Codea splash images needs to be double the size. Can easily go into the folder with the Codea splash images and pull that one into Gimp and resize it, then drop it back in the folder with the same name overwriting the original.

@Crumble ok i’ll try that. But why @Simeon is your ‘made with CODEA’ image the wrong size? Is it a bug of your current export?