HELIA Artificial Intelligence with Codea

  • Project Codea Experimation Halia:

For now the application Halia more like a notebook than a hierarchized interactive artificial intelligence capable of learning by imitation and recognition of errors.
You learn from your mistakes …

I am inspired by the RPL, Prolog, Lisp, Snark, Snobol, Lambda-calculus.

We are still far:
neural networks
Deep Blue (Chess)
Watson (IBM) who excels in Jeopardy

The computer of the night Prodigies (the prodigy).

  • Improvements:
  • Voice Recognition (depends on new versions of CODEA) very unlikely

  • Simplified Voice Synthesis (possible with the new features CODEA audio)

  • Biometric recognition of the caller via the camera (where the eyes, mouth, nose) (probably possible but difficult with vertex and shader) else
    “who are you?” Button 1 knowledge - knowledge 2 - … - newcomer.

  • Recognition of facial expressions: laughter, surprise, weariness, discontent

  • Recognition of animals (cat and mouse, for example, see post lol)

  • Object recognition (very very complex)

  • Humor

  • Simplify the communication between man and machine (context-sensitive buttons: yes - no - maybe - probably) as 20q

  • Inference engine (chaining forward, backward, mixed) [CRITICAL]

  • Expressing complex rules (complex string pattern) see algebraic expressions CAS

  • Task night fund → list creation (perhaps what is done in dreaming ???)
    eg sheep → animal dog → animal thus creating the animal list: {dog} sheep for quick access
    Examples of lists: colors, crafts, medicines, algorithms, equations, feelings, brands, vehicles, books, albums, laws, personalities …

  • Another task of funds for grammar
    eg eat → verb eat; / Eat → verb eat; / Ate → verb eat;
    returns a list room → verb infinitive eat it eat, eat, eat, eat … (long live the French grammar)

  • Creation of multiple memories:

    • Memory of the caller and remember the last dialogues … (Halia / Contact Type eliza chatbot)

    • Lexical memory (what you see in the DATA tab for now)

    • Procedural memory (automatically create code) “What day are we?” ->-Known expression, no need to decompose the sentence → we are on Tuesday …
      this is the nth day of the year … is … the party, besides how is he going?
      “What time is it?” gives the time, “Written me in this color, this font character” …

    • Working memory in the short term (expression of what he is told) → Study of the sentence (may be difficult if it is poetry)
      IA can be found in the corporate jungle, the complexity of a sentence (a ready-made expression or proverb is easier to understand)

    • Memory long term = emotionally charged

    • Sentences boat: How are you? tonight or this morning following now. Response interactive as possible.

Functioning of our memory:

  • Short-term memory (working memory) MDT: It is used to retain information for 30 seconds

    • Mnemonic Span: 7 +/- 2 or 4 elements +/- 1 grouping (the question is what is meant by grouping)
      it’s groupings: these are the tasks I mentioned nocturnal funds
    • Depending on the model of Cowan, the MDT is only the active part of the MLT (MTLT)
    • According to Baddeley’s model:
      - Phonological loop BP (no mic in CODEA and even, ca seems impossible to use it, we’ll replace it with a
      textual memory: string to list and list manipulation) was not a quantum tablet
      - Notebook visio-spatial CVS
      - Central administrator (chaining front / rear of the rules)
  • Individual profiles:
    - Explicit memoirs: autobiographical, episodic, semantic → long-term memory MLT
    - Implicit memory: procedural, perceptual

  • Collective Memories:
    - Memory communicative
    - Cultural Memory: functional, tank

  • Questions to ask:
  • How can you access answers via google http.request order? answers “web” and answers “images” ??? (That would be very interesting).
    The machine may seek confirmation of information retrieved through the web.

  • If global variables rather than local is used, can then read the text files on the PC?

  • This representation of data (data) seems to me clear, simple, quick access, but did you not it better?

  • Can you schedule nightly batch via CODEA?

  • Make tests:
  • Turing Test (do not dream either lol): Is it a man or a machine?
    To make a human machine, it must be given the lightness of insanity, erzatz of sentiment, humor
  • Invent a sentence at random and ask how HAL would give the answer we would have liked

Any help will be welcome, thank you.

yes of course, it was wonderfull.

I have web page enterpreters and object recognition, if you want some help.

function setup()
    Data() ; suivant=true
    hideKeyboard() ; str="" ; data=""
    liste= {
    "animal", "actor", "actress", "adjective", "adverb" 
     "album", "architect", "weapon", "article of law," 
     "association", the "capital", "singer", "singer", "number", "thing" 
     "Control", "color", "dessert", "currency", "dictator", "Greek god" 
     "chemical element", "equation", "Europe" 
     "exact", "expression", 
     "family pet", "movie", "river", "founder", "fruit" 
     "musical instrument", "invent" 
     "board game", "video game", "curse", "vegetable" 
     "machine", "car brand", "material", "medicine", "sea", "job", 
     "model car", "number", "ocean", "country" 
     "painter", "planets", "poi gps", "politeness", "firstname", "President", "personal pronoun" 
     "director", "director", "Queen", "King", "feeling", "tv series" 
     "astrological sign", "sculptor" 
     "sports", "sports", "subject", "top model", "value", 
     "vehicle", "verb", "city"

function Sto(str1,str2)

function Read(c)
    local s=readLocalData(c)
    local t={}
    if s==nil then
        return "error"
        for i in string.gmatch(s,"([^;]*);") do
        return t

function draw()
    background(75, 54, 194, 255) ; rectMode(CENTER)
    font("AmericanTypewriter-Bold") ; fontSize(30) ; textMode(CORNER) ; fill(255, 0, 228, 255)
    if keyboardBuffer() ~= nil then str=keyboardBuffer() end
    text("Coucou c'est Halia >",20,700)
    fill(0, 223, 255, 255)
    lst=listLocalData() ; nbdef=#lst

    t=Read(mot) ; nbitem=#t
    if t=="error" then
        --non trouvé
            fill(255, 241, 0, 255) ; text(mot,20,660)
            for i=1, nbitem, 2 do
                fill(78, 255, 0, 255)
                fill(255, 255, 255, 255)

function keyboard(key)
    if key == BACKSPACE then
        data = string.sub(data, 1, string.len(data) - 1)
    elseif key == RETURN then
        data = str
        if data == "" or data == nil then data = "" end

function touched(t)
    if t.state==BEGAN then

Data = class()

function Data:init(x)
	 - Definitions for group 2 (all lowercase) 
     - Sto ("word", "lien1; link1, link2; liaison2") 
     - Interacting rather backward relationship "is" which means "owned" rather than "features" 
     - The nightly batch jobs now represent lists downlinks "features" 
     - Connections "commands" refers to functions CODEA 
     - Eg email me in Arial 12 point red 
     - Email me -> the command that expects a font and / or color and / or size 
     - Eg background in white on black cast 
     Sto ("?", "Is; interrogation;") 
     Sto ("", "is; exclamation;") 
     Sto ("apricot", "is, color, control, rgb (230,126,48);") 
     Sto ("Acacia", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("accordion", "is; musical instrument;") 
     Sto ("buyer", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("Property Manager", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("charterer", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("africa", "is; continent;") 
     Sto ("Albania", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Albert Einstein", "is; physicist;") 
     Sto ("random," "control, random ();") 
     Sto ("germany", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness link, phone;") 
     Sto ("North America", "is; continent;") 
     Sto ("south america", "is; continent;") 
     Sto ("Love", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("Andorra", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Antarctica", "is; continent particularity; uninhabited") 
     Sto ("Aphrodite", "is; Greek god subject; love;") 
     Sto ("Apollo", "is; Greek god subject, music;") 
     Sto ("tree", "is; plant;") 
     Sto ("deciduous tree", "is; tree;") 
     Sto ("arès", "is; Greek god subject; war;") 
     Sto ("money", "is, color, control, rgb (206,206,206);") 
     Sto ("Armenia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("arthemis", "is; Greek god subject; hunting;") 
     Sto ("asia", "east; continent;") 
     Sto ("astalavista baby", "synonymous; goodbye;") 
     Sto ("Athena", "is; Greek god subject; wisdom;") 
     Sto ("Hawthorn", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("car", "synonymous; car;") 
     Sto ("Auchan", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("audi", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("goodbye", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("australia", "is; Oceania;") 
     Sto ("austria", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("azerbaijan", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("bannane", "is; fruit;") 
     Sto ("banker", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("Belgium", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Belote", "is, card game;") 
     Sto ("berlin", "capital, Germany;") 
     Sto ("belarus", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Welcome", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("billiard", "is, number, value, 1E15;") 
     Sto ("billion", "is, number, value, 1E12;") 
     Sto ("white", "is, color, control, rgb (255,255,255);") 
     Sto ("blue", "is, color, control, rgb (0,0,255);") 
     Sto ("wood", "is; matter;") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("Hello World", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("bosnia herzegovina," "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("bmw", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Bulgaria", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("brown", "is, color, control, rgb (91,60,17);") 
     Sto ("brown", "is, color, control, rgb (205,133,63);") 
     Sto ("bye", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("Byzantine", "is, color, control, rgb (189,51,164);") 
     Sto ("cashier", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("canine", "is; mammals is; carnivores;") 
     Sto ("canon", "is; weapon synonymous; beautiful;") 
     Sto ("carmine", "is, color, control, rgb (150,0,24);") 
     Sto ("Crossroads", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("centi" "exact, 1/100, value, 0.01;") 
     Sto ("flesh", "is, color, control, rgb (254,195,172);") 
     Sto ("chair", "is; thing;") 
     Sto ("cat", "is, animal, sex, male, family Felidae;") 
     Sto ("chestnut", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("shoe", "is, garment;") 
     Sto ("oak", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("darling", "feeling; affection;") 
     Sto ("dog", "is, animal, sex, male, family Canidae;") 
     Sto ("thing", "synonymous Purpose;") 
     Sto ("Cyprus", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("hundred", "is, number, value, 100;") 
     Sto ("five", "is, figure, value, 5;") 
     Sto ("Clio", "is, Renault, is, model car;") 
     Sto ("cobra", "is; serpent is; cartoon;") 
     Sto ("Columbo", "played by, Peter Falk;") 
     Sto ("continent", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("Cora", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("fear", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("Croatia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("cyan", "is, color, control, rgb (43,250,250);")
     Sto ("Denmark", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("date", "is; os.date ();") 
     Sto ("Demeter", "is; Greek god subject; fertility;") 
     Sto ("disgust", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("half", "constant; half, value, 0.5;") 
     Sto ("two", "is, figure, value, 2;") 
     Sto ("split", "operand; /;") 
     Sto ("Dionysos", "is; Greek god subject; wine;") 
     Sto ("ten", "is, number, value, 10;") 
     Sto ("dollar", "is; currency;") 
     Sto ("Customs", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("twelve", "is, number, value, 12;") 
     Sto ("e", "value; 2.71828182846;") 
     Sto ("write more", "command; fontplus ();") 
     Sto ("write smaller", "command; fontmoins ();") 
     Sto ("ecru", "is, color, control, rgb (254,254,224);") 
     Sto ("efferalgan", "is, the medication is, paracetamol;") 
     Sto ("breeder", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("it", "is, subject, is, singular, is, feminine") 
     Sto ("they", "is, subject, is, plural, is; feminine") 
     Sto ("epg" "command; fontplus ();") 
     Sto ("epp", "command; fontmoins ();") 
     Sto ("Maple", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("spain", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("is", "verb be;") 
     Sto ("Estonia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("euphoria", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("euro", "is; currency;") 
     Sto ("Europe", "is; continent;") 
     Sto ("facebook", "is, social network;") 
     Sto ("cats," "is, carnivore;") 
     Sto ("ferrari", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("fiesta", "is, Ford, is, model car; synonymous; party;") 
     Sto ("Finland", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("flute", "is; musical instrument;") 
     Sto ("time", "operand *;") 
     Sto ("ford", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Microwave", "is; thing;") 
     Sto ("France", "is, country, east, Europe surname; female;") 
     Sto ("ash", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("giant casino", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("georgia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("ginkgo", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("google", "is, search engine;") 
     Sto ("big", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("g", "is; measure;") 
     Sto ("Greece", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("greg", "is, diminutive; synonymous; grégory;") 
     Sto ("gregory", "name; masculine; feast, 9.3;") 
     Sto ("gray", "is, color, control, rgb (96,96,96);") 
     Sto ("gray linen", "is, color, control, rgb (210,202,236);") 
     Sto ("big", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("guitar", "is; musical instrument;") 
     Sto ("hatred", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("chance", "is; uncertainty control, random ();") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("hello world", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("Hephaestus", "is; Greek god subject; fire;") 
     Sto ("Hera", "is; Greek god subject; marriage;") 
     Sto ("Hermes", "is; Greek god subject; commerce;") 
     Sto ("Beech", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("hour", "is; os.time ();") 
     Sto ("Hungary", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("shame", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("Holly", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("eight", "is, figure, value, 8;") 
     Sto ("hyper u", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("he," "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("they", "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("immortality", "end; death;") 
     Sto ("indianna Jones," "played, Harrison Ford;") 
     Sto ("indifference", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("computer", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("Ingrid", "name; female; feast, 2.9;") 
     Sto ("intermarket", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("Ireland", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("dun", "name; female;") 
     Sto ("Iceland", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Italy", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("never", "is; adverb;") 
     Sto ("I", "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("I do not know", "is; uncertainty;") 
     Sto ("young", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("joy", "is; feeling;") 

Sto ("khaki", "is, color, control, rgb (148,129,43);") 
     Sto ("kilo", "exact, in 1000, value, 1000;") 
     Sto ("the", "is; definite article;") 
     Sto ("lamborghini", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Jassy", "is; dog;") 
     Sto ("the", "is; definite article;") 
     Sto ("the", "is; definite article;") 
     Sto ("Leclerc", "is; hypermarket;") 
     Sto ("Latvia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("liechtenstein", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("lion", "is, animal, sex, male, family Felidae, brand, candy bar;") 
     Sto ("lithuania", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Lolita", "is given name;") 
     Sto ("lotto", "is; gambling;") 
     Sto ("moon", "is; planet;") 
     Sto ("Luxembourg", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("macedonia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("lean", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("meter", "is; measure;") 
     Sto ("madonna", "is; singer;") 
     Sto ("warehouse", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("Magnolia," "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("malt", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Mom", "is; mother, is; family") 
     Sto ("Marilyn Monroe", "is; actress;") 
     Sto ("brown", "is, color, control, rgb (88,41,0);") 
     Sto ("Mazerati", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Megane", "is, Renault, is, model car, is, first name") 
     Sto ("thank you", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("shit", "is; oath;") 
     Sto ("metal", "is; matter;") 
     Sto ("honey", "is, color, control, rgb (218,179,10);") 
     Sto ("thousand", "is, number, value, 1000;") 
     Sto ("milli", "accurate; 1/1000 value, 0.001;") 
     Sto ("billion", "is, number, value, 1000000000;") 
     Sto ("million", "is, number, value, 1000000;") 
     Sto ("mimosa", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("thin", "is; oath;") 
     Sto ("less", "operand -;") 
     Sto ("half", "synonymous; half; constant; half, value, 0.5;") 
     Sto ("Moldavia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Monaco", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Montenegro", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("death", "end; life;") 
     Sto ("Naguy", "is; presenter;") 
     Sto ("birth", "first; life;") 
     Sto ("Napoleon", "is; Emperor;") 
     Sto ("natacha st-pier", "is; singer;") 
     Sto ("new", "is, figure, value, 9;") 
     Sto ("black", "is, color, control, rgb (0,0,0);") 
     Sto ("no", "is; disagreement;") 
     Sto ("no problemo", "is; agreement;") 
     Sto ("norway", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("we", "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("walnut", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("ok", "mean, yes;") 
     Sto ("Oceania", "is; continent;") 
     Sto ("olive", "is, color, control, rgb (112,141,35);") 
     Sto ("olive", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("eleven", "is, number, value, 11;") 
     Sto ("gold", "is, color, control, rgb (255,215,0);") 
     Sto ("orange", "is; fruit, is, color, control, rgb (255,27,0);") 
     Sto ("elm", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("yes", "is; agreement;") 
     Sto ("daddy", "is; father, is; family") 
     Sto ("papaya", "is; fruit, is, color, control, rgb (255,239,213);") 
     Sto ("sometimes", "adverb of time") 
     Sto ("umbrella", "is; thing purpose, cover;") 
     Sto ("paris", "is; city capital, France;") 
     Sto ("Netherlands", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("fishing", "is; fruit;") 
     Sto ("small", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("Peugeot", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Poplar", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("fear", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("maybe", "is; uncertainty;") 
     Sto ("pi", "value; 3.14159265359;") 
     Sto ("piano", "is; musical instrument;") 
     Sto ("mercy", "is; feeling;") 
     Sto ("Sycamore", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("more", "operand; +;") 
     Sto ("policeman", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("Poland", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("apple", "is; fruit;") 
     Sto ("pear", "is; fruit;") 
     Sto ("Porsche", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("portugal", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Poseidon", "is; Greek god subject; sea;") 
     Sto ("primate", "is, placental mammal;") 
     Sto ("power", "operand; pow () command; pow ();") 
     Sto ("plum", "is; fruit;") 
     Sto ("when", "is, interrogative preposition, subject, time;") 
     Sto ("quarter", "constant, fourth, value, 0.25;") 
     Sto ("fourteen", "is, number, value, 14;") 
     Sto ("four", "is, figure, value, 4;") 
     Sto ("what", "is; preposition interrogative; topic; thing;") 
     Sto ("what", "is; preposition interrogative; topic; thing;") 
     Sto ("who", "is, interrogative preposition, subject, person;") 
     Sto ("fifteen", "is, number, value, 15;") 
     Sto ("root", "operand; sqrt () command; sqrt ();") 
     Sto ("square root", "operand; sqrt () command; sqrt ();") 
     Sto ("Rambo", "is; movie;") 
     Sto ("receptionist", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("get loud", "expression; understand;") 
     Sto ("refrigerator", "is; thing;") 
     Sto ("renault", "is, make of car;") 
     Sto ("Czech Republic", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("rocky", "is; film; creation date, 1976, actor Sylvester Stallone") 
     Sto ("Rome", "is; city Located, Italy") 
     Sto ("pink", "is, color, control, rgb (253,108,158);") 
     Sto ("red", "is, color, control, rgb (255,0,0);") 
     Sto ("roll", "is; verb implies; movement;") 
     Sto ("united kingdom", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("ruby", "is, color, control, rgb (224,17,95);") 
     Sto ("Russia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("France", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("san marino", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("salad", "is; vegetable;") 
     Sto ("hello", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("Willow," "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("scrabble", "is; board game;") 
     Sto ("break", "expression from;") 
     Sto ("seine", "is; river;") 
     Sto ("seven", "is, figure, value, 7;") 
     Sto ("Serbia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("server", "is; business;") 
     Sto ("sixteen", "is, number, value, 10;") 
     Sto ("six", "is, figure, value, 6;") 
     Sto ("Slovenia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Slovakia", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("suede", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("Swiss", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("sylvester stallone", "is; actor;") 
     Sto ("table", "is; thing;") 
     Sto ("cut zone", "expression from;") 
     Sto ("tarot", "is, card game;") 
     Sto ("earth", "is; planet;") 
     Sto ("lime", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("thirteen", "is, number, value, 13;") 
     Sto ("Aspen", "is, leafy tree;") 
     Sto ("three", "is, figure, value 3;") 
     Sto ("you," "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("turkey", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("turquoise", "is, color, control, rgb (37,253,233);") 
     Sto ("Twingo", "is, Renault, is, model car;") 
     Sto ("ukraine", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("a", "is, indefinite article, is, number, value, 1;") 
     Sto ("a", "is, indefinite article, value, 1;") 
     Sto ("vatican", "is, country, east, Europe;") 
     Sto ("green", "is, color, control, rgb (0,255,0);") 
     Sto ("old", "is; adjective;") 
     Sto ("purple", "is, color, control, rgb (127,0,255);") 
     Sto ("violin", "is; musical instrument;") 
     Sto ("car", "is; vehicle; purpose; roll;") 
     Sto ("you", "is, subject;") 
     Sto ("gangsta", "is, politeness;") 
     Sto ("XEUS", "is; Greek god subject; heaven;") 
     Sto ("zero", "is, figure, value, 0;") 
     Sto ("Zinzolin", "is, color, control, rgb (108,2,119);")

function Data:draw()

function Data:touched(touch)

I think if you can do ONE of those things, you will be doing very well!

could you explain with ~10 sentences what you want to achieve exactly? And when you want it done (dont forget to mention the century… :wink: )?

my clone perhaps 22nd century or tomorrow if all members help me lol
just a question : we can recover the results of the queries Google using http.request ?

@hpsoft i’ll be glad to see where i can help you, but your goal is still unclear. I would enjoy reading some description from you, to understand more clearly where you are heading to.

it will be clearer when I’m well into my project. It’s just the beginning.

mmmm ok… you sound like our politicians… ;-).
concerning google request i think if you do

http.request( "http://www.google.com/search?q=stack+overflow", process)

you will get the html text for searchin ‘stack overflow’ in this case.
Then you can search that text within your own function process(data)

for splitting the hlml code there is a nice lua library somewhere (google it). If you cant find it i’ll look in my own code, i copied it once (on the wise advice of LoopSpace)

thanks for response and code.
je n’ai pas fait l’ENA pourtant lol.