Has anyone made a web browser in Codea?

What it says on the Title.

IMHO, that’s like using Excel to make a movie

I was about, to make one, but when I noticed, that Codea starts lagging with big strings, I stopped, and deleted that project

This would be needed:

  • `http.connect(“example.com”, s, f)
  • s - function on success, first global variable “data” needed.
  • data - gives you the entire HTML code.
  • For Iretator with string.gmatch() to break the code by tags, and putting parts into one table.
  • You could draw the table again in for iretators…

Problem starts with Google.com. Codea is requesting the server for the HTML code. And the Google Server is blocking any requests.

Second Problem: You have to put action for every tag

Third Problem:

  • CSS
  • JS

There is a tag requesting for the styling and actioning of the website.

Again http.connect? Will take to long for loading. No!

Problems, Problems, …

Why not just make a nice game? That’s what Codea is designed for.

@Ignatz what’s wrong with using Excel? I do that all the time. You just put a picture in each cel and scroll really fast


Why not just make a nice game? That’s what Codea is designed for

People eat chickens, but chickens weren’t designed for eating :slight_smile:

Use Codea for everything you think you can develop!

I don’t think so. Why not use the best tool for the job?

@yojimbo2000 somehow got an in-Codea browser in his SODA buttons demo. Press the “Online Documentation” button and you’ll see it come up. If what you want is to be able to display a web page inside of Codea, that’s where I’d start looking.

I use Excel for VR. It requires about 2000 monitors, but it’s doable.

Yeah you can use the inline web browser to load local http. Getting responses from it would be way too much hassle though, displaying static non interactive pages like docs is about the limit.

But yeah, if you want to code HTML on iPad, then code HTML on iPad. Working Copy is good for this cos it has a great JavaScript console

I’ll start making a small Brouser. Results in… %time% days.

Yeah, I have sort of. Check out my project “Internet Safari Chrome Fox”

Code please?

@TokOut I have it on my profile in a discussion.