@West +1
admirable?is it better to spit out fire?
I love the animation when the chameleons eat a bomb. How do I make their tongues work though? When I swipe I just drop a bomb
Use short flicks with one finger. Same routine as used in the simple space invaders game I posted on a separate thread.
If you are in 2 player mode you can only flick in your half of the screen
Ok I got it. Hi score of 60! Damn these games are hard.
Haven’t seen my username in the opening blurb yet…
Is it only two player or is there a button to swap between modes?
@Nathan Tap on 1 Player / 2 Player to swap modes (sorry this isn’t explicit!)
@yojimbo2000 it’s there but it’s random which one it selects
@West a subtle feature of crossing tongues! Great game with a very original idea
@Luatee - thanks. It was nice to get a bit of time to add in these little extras and interesting how it evolved organically over the course of the week